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分类 Masterpiece名著 267篇中百篇内相关文章

《古文观止》收自东周至明代的文章222篇,全书12卷,以收散文为主,兼取骈文。题名“观止”是指该书所选的都是名篇佳作。 该书入选之文皆为语言精炼、短小精悍、便于传诵的佳作。衡文标准基本上兼顾到思想性与艺术性。在文章中间或末尾,选者有一些夹批或尾批,对初学者理解文章有一定帮助;体例方面一改前人按文体分类的习惯,而是以时代为经,以作家为纬。
“Ancient Prose Guanzhi” is an anthology of ancient prose selected by Wu Chucai and Wu Diao Marquis in the 33rd year of Kangxi’s reign (1694) in the Qing Dynasty. This book is a literary book selected for use by schools during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. It is a textbook compiled for students and officially printed in 1695.

“Ancient Wen Guan Zhi” contains 222 articles from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, with a total volume of 12 volumes. It mainly collects prose and also takes parallel prose. The title “Guanzhi” refers to the selection of masterpieces and masterpieces in the book. The selected articles in this book are excellent works with concise language, short and concise, and easy to recite. The standard of Hengwen basically takes into account both ideological and artistic aspects. In the middle or at the end of the article, there are some interlocutors or final comments, which are helpful for beginners to understand the article; In terms of style, it has changed the previous habit of classifying by style, but instead takes the era as the longitude and the writer as the latitude.

Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 172P 古文观止

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