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《威尼斯商人》 是英国戏剧家威廉·莎士比亚创作的戏剧,是一部具有讽刺性的喜剧。大约作于1596~1597年。
The Merchant of Venice is a play created by English dramatist William Shakespeare, which is a satirical comedy. It was written around 1596-1597.

The plot of the play is unfolded through three clues: one is Portia’s selection of relatives; One is Jessica falling in love and eloping with Lorenzo; There is also a contract dispute over “cutting a pound of meat”.

The theme of the play is to eulogize benevolence, friendship and love. It also reflects the contradiction between the early capitalist commercial bourgeoisie and usurers, and shows the author’s humanism thoughts on money, law and religion in bourgeois society. An important literary achievement of this play is the portrayal of Shylock, a typical figure of a mercenary and ruthless usurer. Some excerpts were selected from the Chinese language textbooks of the People’s Education Press (Lesson 13, Volume 2, Grade 9) and Shanghai Education Press (Volume 1, Grade 8).

Antonio, a Venetian merchant, was a generous and wealthy businessman, contrary to another Jewish man, Shylock’s usury policy. Antonio’s good friend Bassanio proposed to Portia, a beautiful girl from Belmont who had inherited a wealth of thousands, and borrowed 3000 gold coins from him. Antonio had no money left and had to borrow 3000 gold coins from Shylock as collateral with his merchant ship that had not yet returned to port. Shylock hated Antonio for lending money without interest, affecting the usury industry, and insulting himself. He took advantage of the opportunity to sign a loan contract and set a trap, waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.

Shylock was deeply resentful of Antonio’s past conflicts with him, so he took this opportunity to demand a pound of flesh from him to replace the merchant ship. After a few words, Antonio agreed and signed a contract with him. Bassanio happily went to Belmont to propose. In Belmont, his friend Gratiano fell in love with Portia’s maid Nerissa, and the two newlyweds quickly got married at the same time when an unexpected event occurred. Originally, Antonio wrote a letter stating that his merchant ship’s whereabouts were unknown, and he was about to face the misfortune of Shylock demanding a pound of meat. As this pound of meat could potentially endanger his life, he hoped to see Bassanio’s last face… Upon hearing this news, Bassanio and Gratiano rushed back to Venice, and Portia and Nerissa secretly disguised themselves as lawyers and secretaries, Follow and save Antonio.

In court, Portia cleverly agreed that Shylock could strip Antonio of any pound of flesh, but if he shed a drop of blood (the contract only stated a pound of flesh, but did not promise to give Shylock any drop of blood), he would use his life and property to redeem him. Therefore, Antonio was saved, and the court announced that half of his property was confiscated for murder of Venetian citizens, and the other half was given to Antonio, who gave the unexpected property to Shylock’s son-in-law and his friend Lorenzo. Shylock saw that the conspiracy had failed, so he had to agree and comply with the verdict, converting to Christianity. In this way, Portia cleverly saved Antonio’s life. At the same time, Portia and Nerissa teased their husband. They demanded a ring as compensation for defending Antonio, and then returned home. When their husbands returned, they blamed them for neglecting the meaning of the wedding rings and insisted that they must have given them to another woman. After a series of embarrassed explanations, the truth finally came to light. Everyone has a satisfactory ending, except for Shylock who wants to harm others but also harms himself.

Since the early 16th century, the British capitalist economy has developed rapidly. The authoritarian dynasty implemented policies that were conducive to the development of industry and commerce, gained support from the emerging bourgeoisie, and formed a temporary alliance between the royal family and the bourgeoisie. In the late 16th century, under the rule of Queen Elizabeth I, Britain experienced economic prosperity and political stability.

However, starting from the latter years of the 1690s, various contradictions in British society gradually intensified: in rural areas, the “enclosure movement” was accelerating; In cities, a large number of capitalist handicraft workshops have emerged, leading to a continuous deterioration of the conditions of handicraftsmen and the poor; Between 1594 and 1598, there were consecutive floods and severe cold, resulting in poor agricultural harvests and soaring prices. Farmers and the urban poor rebelled one after another. During this period, the power of the bourgeoisie became even stronger, and its temporary alliance with the royal family disintegrated. Shakespeare began to feel the contradiction between his humanism ideal and the British reality. Therefore, in several comedies written after 1596, although the tone was cheerful and optimistic, the social satirical factors had increased. The Merchant of Venice, completed at this time, is one of Shakespeare’s early comedies with the most social satire. The plot is adapted from the Italian short story “Fool”.

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