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King Lear is a play created by William Shakespeare and one of his four tragedies. The story originates from an ancient legend in England, and the story itself takes place around the 8th century. Later, many plays were compiled in England, and besides Shakespeare, there is an earlier anonymous work that is generally believed to have been adapted by King Lear of Shakespeare.

The story tells the story of the elderly king Lear who abdicates and is driven to the wilderness by his eldest and second daughters. The third daughter, who becomes the queen of France, leads the army to save his father, but is killed. Lear sadly dies beside her.

The entire drama has two parallel storylines. The main storyline tells the story of the ancient British king Lear, who was in a state of old age and stupidity, and wanted to divide his land among his three daughters based on his love for him. The eldest daughter, Gonalier, and the second daughter, Reagan, both used sweet words to deceive the old man, but the youngest daughter, Cordelia, spoke honestly and said, “I love you just by my name, not much, not much. Lear angrily expelled his youngest daughter, married her far away to France, and divided the land equally between his two hypocritical daughters. However, he was mercilessly neglected by the two daughters, and in a fit of anger, he ran to the wilderness in the storm and joined Edgar, a disguised madman. Later, the youngest daughter launched a campaign from France and finally met her father and daughter. However, the British and French armies engaged in battle, and the French army was defeated. Cordelia was captured and soon hanged by Edmund. Lear held her body in his arms and died crazily in grief and anger. Another secondary clue is that Count Gloucester believed the slander of his commoner son Edmund and exiled his eldest son Edgar. Later, due to his sympathy for Lear, he was stripped of his eyes. While wandering in the wilderness, he met Edgar, his son who had become a beggar. He helped him forward, but he didn’t know that he was the son who had been kicked out by himself. After his son Edmund inherited the title, he also colluded with Lear’s eldest and second daughters, causing them to become jealous and kill each other. In the end, the second daughter was poisoned, and the eldest daughter’s plot to murder her husband was exposed before committing suicide. Edmund received Edgar’s challenge and was killed in the duel.

The story of King Lear comes from ancient British legends, and there are many poems and essays based on this theme. Shakespeare added original content such as tragic endings and King Lear’s madness to the story blueprint.

William Shakespeare was at the peak of his artistic career when he wrote King Lear. He has a clearer and more thorough view of life and the world, and is more concerned with the contemplation of human nature, morality, and philosophy.

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