Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 242P 《戴敦邦新绘全本红楼梦》.上海古籍出版社
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《红楼梦》实写虚写人物六百有余,上自皇妃国公,下至贩夫走卒,几及彼时各阶层方方面面。作者尤精于人物内心世界的刻划,而这种刻划,浸透了深刻的文化内涵,贯穿于人物言行、事伯细节与虚实描摹之中,写来不动声色,却是入骨入髓。如黛玉、宝钗、晴霁、袭人以及王熙凤等,身世处境迥异,性情品行各别,而外貌则皆堪称美,作者对她们的褒贬之义,寓于婉曲表述之中,令读者心领神会。唯其如此,绘画红楼人物,禁忌脸谱化自不待言,就连借助容貌形体特征的张力,以强调情感性格的手法,也不宜逾度使用。眉目表情的些微变化,举手投足的分寸把握,场景气氛的管造烘染,真善美与假恶丑的衬托对比,联想象征的表达手段,皆须琢磨再三,以求恰 如其分地傅示出人物的神采气质,和思想情感彼涛,尽量体现原著开掘不尽的诗情画意。
“Dai Dunbang’s Newly Painted Complete Dream of the Red Chamber” is a book published by Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House in 2000. The author is Dai Dunbang.
Dream of the Red Chamber is a world-renowned literary masterpiece of authentic Chinese origin.
In Dream of the Red Chamber, there are over 600 fictional characters, ranging from imperial consorts and nobles to peddlers and soldiers, covering various aspects of social classes at that time. The author is particularly skilled in portraying the inner world of characters, which is imbued with profound cultural connotations and runs through the details of their words and actions, as well as the depiction of reality and virtuality. It is written calmly but deeply ingrained in the bone. Daiyu, Baochai, Qingji, Xiren, and Wang Xifeng, among others, have vastly different backgrounds, personalities, and behaviors, but their appearances are all considered beautiful. The author’s praise and criticism of them are embedded in graceful expressions, which make readers understand. Only in this way, painting characters in the Red Chamber goes without saying the taboo of facial makeup. Even techniques that emphasize emotional character through the tension of appearance and physical characteristics should not be used excessively. The slight changes in facial expressions, the appropriate grasp of gestures and gestures, the manipulation and coloring of the scene atmosphere, the contrast between truth, goodness, beauty, and falsehood, evil, and ugliness, and the expression methods of associative symbols all need to be carefully considered in order to appropriately depict the character’s demeanor and temperament, as well as the interplay of thoughts and emotions, and to reflect the endless poetic and picturesque charm of the original work.

Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 242P 《戴敦邦新绘全本红楼梦》.上海古籍出版社

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