Culture文化 Kungfu武学 186P 《八卦掌正宗真传》刘敬儒、孟宪良
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《八卦掌正宗真传》是2003年2月1日青岛出版社出版的图书,作者是刘敬儒、孟宪良。八卦掌是以掌法和走转为主的拳术,是三大内家拳法之一。练习八卦掌时要求舌抵上腭,提肛溜臀,气沉丹田,不仅要外练身手足,而且要内练习意气力。练好八卦掌不仅可以自卫防身,而且还能祛病强身,延年益寿。本书介绍了八卦掌的源流和发展、八卦掌的健身作用、八卦掌的风格和技击特点以及八卦掌的练习方法与步骤。八卦掌的套路有八卦趟泥步、基础八掌、八大掌、八卦游身连环掌和八卦掌养生功、操手等。八大掌是八卦掌的核心套路,是八卦掌最主要的功法,可以说是八卦掌的母掌。本书中介绍的八大掌是程延华的侄子程有功、程有生及其次子程有信和骆兴武老师传下来的,保持了八卦掌的原貌,可谓正宗真传,故本书名为《八卦掌正宗真传》。虽然我们全力著写此书,但书中难免会有不妥之处,希望广大武术爱好者批评和指正,让我们共同提高,为八卦掌的发扬光大贡献力量。 孟宪良,青岛人,出生于1960年8月。自幼学过少林拳,又亲赴河南省陈家沟向陈式太极拳第十九代传人陈小星学习陈式太极拳。1994年跟刘敬儒学习八卦掌法,十余年中,他在八卦掌的理论和技术方面都取得了一定的成绩,所以他们合著了《八卦掌正宗真传》。
“The Authentic Biography of Bagua Palm” was published by Qingdao Publishing House on February 1, 2003. The authors are Liu Jingru and Meng Xianliang. Bagua Palm is a boxing technique that focuses on palming and walking, and is one of the three major internal boxing techniques. When practicing the Eight Trigrams Palm, it is required to press the tongue against the upper palate, lift the anus and slide the hips, and sink the qi into the elixir field. It is not only necessary to practice the body, hands, and feet externally, but also to practice the mental energy force internally. Practicing the Eight Trigrams Palm well not only can defend oneself, but also can dispel diseases and strengthen the body, prolong life. This book introduces the origin and development of the Eight Trigrams Palm, its fitness function, its style and attack characteristics, as well as its practice methods and steps. The routines of the Eight Trigrams Palm include the Eight Trigrams Walking in Mud Step, the Basic Eight Trigrams Palm, the Eight Big Palm, the Eight Trigrams Traveling Body Linked Palm, the Eight Trigrams Palm Health Preserving Skill, and hand exercises. The Eight Big Palms is the core routine of the Eight Trigrams Palm, and is the most important skill of the Eight Trigrams Palm. It can be said to be the mother palm of the Eight Trigrams Palm. The Eight Trigrams Palm introduced in this book is handed down by Cheng Yanhua’s nephews, Cheng Yougong, Cheng Yousheng, and their second sons, Cheng Youxin, and Luo Xingwu. It maintains the original appearance of the Eight Trigrams Palm and can be described as an authentic authentic biography. Therefore, this book is entitled “The True Legend of the Eight Trigrams Palm”. Although we are fully committed to writing this book, there will inevitably be shortcomings in the book. I hope that martial arts enthusiasts can criticize and correct us, so that we can work together to improve and contribute to the development of Bagua Palm. Meng Xianliang, a native of Qingdao, was born in August 1960. I learned Shaolin boxing from a young age and went to Chenjiagou, Henan Province to learn Chen-style Taijiquan from Chen Xiaoxing, the 19th generation successor of Chen-style Taijiquan. In 1994, I studied the Eight Trigrams Palm Technique with Liu Jingru. Over the past ten years, he has made certain achievements in both the theory and technology of the Eight Trigrams Palm, so they co authored the “True Biography of the Eight Trigrams Palm”.

Culture文化 Kungfu武学 186P 《八卦掌正宗真传》刘敬儒、孟宪良


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