Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 12P 孙莘老求墨妙亭诗.蘇軾撰.石斎書
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苏轼(1037-1101年),字子瞻,一字和仲,号东坡居士,眉州眉山(今属四川)人。苏洵之子。嘉祐年间(1056-1063年)进士。曾上书力言王安石新法之弊,后因作诗讽刺新法而下御史狱,贬黄州。宋哲宗时任翰林学士,曾出知杭州、颖州,官至礼部尚书。后又贬谪惠州、儋州。在各地均有惠政。卒后追谥文忠。学识渊博,喜好奖励后进。与父苏洵、弟苏辙合称“三苏”。其文纵横恣肆,为“唐宋八大家”之一。其诗题材广阔,清新豪健,善用夸张比喻,独具风格。与黄庭坚并称“苏黄”。词开豪放一派,与辛弃疾并称“苏辛”。 又工书画。有《东坡七集》、《东坡易传》、《东坡书传》、《东坡乐府》等。
The poem “Sun Shen Lao Qiu Mo Miao Ting Shi” is a seven character ancient poem created by Northern Song Dynasty writer Su Shi. This is a representative work that takes discourse as poetry. The first half of the article commented on the achievements and characteristics of calligraphers of various dynasties, and expressed disagreement with Du Fu’s view that “evaluating books is expensive, thin, and hard”. The poet believes that “short, long, fat, and thin have their own forms” and advocates that calligraphy art should attach importance to the promotion of various styles, demonstrating his insightful understanding of art and his broad mindedness towards art that is as diverse as a hundred rivers and a sea. The latter half of the article highly praises the good antiquity and elegance of friends, while also highlighting the origin and role of the construction of the “Momiao Pavilion” and the main theme of friends seeking poetry and chanting. At the end of the article, a valuable insight was expressed that although life is short, art can last forever. The highlight of this poem lies in its profound cultural heritage, which provides insightful insights and inspiration in the midst of discussions.

The authentic work of “Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection” written on cocoon paper has been buried in Zhaoling, and there are still traces of Wang Xizhi’s dragon leaping and tiger leaping in the human world. Duke Yan Zhenqing changed his calligraphy to create a new meaning, with strong and muscular fonts like autumn eagles. The calligraphy of Xu Qiao’s father and son is also extremely delicate, with a sharp yet powerful strokes. The stone carvings on Mount Yi display a model, and the inheritor of calligraphy for thousands of years is Li’s Yang Bing. I cannot accept Du Fu’s comment that calligraphy places special emphasis on thin and hard strokes. Calligraphy, whether short, long, fat, or thin, has its own posture. Yuhuan, Feiyan, and thin can say which one is not beautiful and unparalleled! The governor of Huzhou is truly ancient and elegant, willing to spend money to purchase the inscriptions on broken stones and remaining inscriptions. There is a turtle shaped pedestal in the pavilion, with dragon carvings embedded on the walls. The study is empty during the quiet day, and only the sound of rubbings can be heard climbing. You give wonderful rubbings to friends and travel around Wu and Yue, praising and discussing elegant things among them. I wrote a letter asking for poetry to be written by myself, so I held a wolf hair in my hand and wrote it on the famous paper, Shanteng. Later on, people looked at today just like they look back at the past, and the fleeting scenery of a hundred generations is just a lamp in the wind. In the future, people will also miss He Jian like Liu Lang did back then, regretfully not sitting with us to show their inner respect.

In the fifth year of the Xining reign of Emperor Shenzong (1072), Su Shi’s friend Sun Jue Jian Ting was named “Mo Miao Ting” in the Wuxing Mansion for collecting ancient stone tablets and calligraphy. He also asked Su Shi for poetry and chants. At that time, the poet Ren Hangzhou Tongjian wrote this poem and personally wrote it as a gift to Sun Jue.

Su Shi (1037-1101), also known as Zizhan and Hezhong, was a scholar of Dongpo and was born in Meishan, Meizhou (now part of Sichuan). Son of Su Xun. During the Jiayou period (1056-1063), he became a jinshi. He once wrote a letter strongly criticizing the drawbacks of Wang Anshi’s new law, but was later sent to the Imperial Censor’s Prison and demoted to Huangzhou for writing poems to satirize the new law. Song Zhezong was then a scholar in Hanlin and had knowledge of Hangzhou and Yingzhou. He was appointed as the Minister of Rites. Later, he was exiled to Huizhou and Danzhou. Beneficial policies are available in various regions. After his death, he posthumously received the posthumous title of Wen Zhong. I am knowledgeable and enjoy rewarding those who are less advanced. Together with his father Su Xun and younger brother Su Zhe, they are referred to as the “Three Sus”. His writing is arbitrary and unrestrained, making him one of the “Eight Great Masters of Tang and Song Dynasties”. His poetry has a wide range of themes, is fresh and vigorous, is adept at using exaggerated metaphors, and has a unique style. Together with Huang Tingjian, they are called “Su Huang”. The lyrics are bold and unrestrained, and together with Xin Qiji, they are called “Su Xin”. I also work on calligraphy and painting. There are “Dongpo Qiji”, “Dongpo Yizhuan”, “Dongpo Shuzhuan”, “Dongpo Yuefu”, and so on.

Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 12P 孙莘老求墨妙亭诗.蘇軾撰.石斎書


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