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Sun Wu (approximately 545-470 BC), also known as Changqing, was a famous military strategist and politician during the Spring and Autumn Period in China, and was revered as the “Saint of War”. Later generations revered him as Sun Tzu, Sun Wuzi, the teacher of a hundred generations of military strategists, and the founder of Eastern military science.

It was active from the end of the sixth century BC to the beginning of the fifth century BC. From Qi to Wu, on the recommendation of the important officials and officials of the Wu state, he presented his thirteen military techniques to King Helu of Wu and was highly regarded as a general. He once led the army of the State of Wu to defeat the army of the State of Chu, occupying the capital city of Chu, Ying City, and almost annihilating the State of Chu.

He has authored the masterpiece “Sun Tzu’s Art of War” with thirteen chapters, which is highly praised by later military strategists and is known as the “Military Canon”, ranking first in the “Seven Books of the Martial Arts Classic”. His book “The Art of War by Sun Tzu” holds an extremely important position in military history, military academic history, and philosophical thought history in China and even the world, and is widely used in fields such as politics, economy, military, culture, philosophy, etc. Translated into English, French, German, and Japanese, this book has become one of the most famous examples of military science internationally.

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