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The Illustrated Illustrations of the Book of Songs were written by Hosei Yoshitsu. It was provided by the Gendian Ji Bookstore and was published in the first year of Jiayong (1848) in Japan.

Sei Hosei, also known as Dongyang, once worked as a monk and doctor, and wrote books such as “Borrowing Essentials of Four Diagnosis”. Due to the differences in time and place, as well as the differences between ancient and modern times, it is difficult to distinguish the names of many objects in the Book of Songs. Confucius’ goal of “learning more about the names of plants, birds, beasts, insects, and fish” is difficult to achieve. However, previous works have many shortcomings. They were jointly compiled with the Kyoto area painting industry and commerce conference, and were personally reviewed and approved by Hosei. “They were colored and distinguished to make it easy for children to recognize.

The origin of natural history in the Book of Songs is very early. According to existing literature, it has developed from Lu Ji’s “Mao Shi Cao Mu Bird Animal Insect Fish Shuo” to this day and is still magnificent. The study of the Six Classics in China has always focused on elucidating the principles of meaning, and such a detailed approach to identifying famous objects is actually a rare one. However, the Japanese, who always pay attention to details, carry forward their down-to-earth spirit of starting from details and physical objects in sinology research, providing us with a detailed new perspective for research.

Although there is this tradition, drawing famous objects in the Book of Songs is not only about identifying types, families, and shapes, but also about presenting poetic scenes, achieving a balance of form, color, sound, and emotion. For example, in “Xingcai”, the author drew two blooming flowers and three bone flowers that had not yet grown out of the water to symbolize “unevenness”, while using bright yellow to highlight the youthful and moving beauty of the girl who “left and right picked them”.

Another example is the “magpie”, which does not lie in its nest, but stands on a stone because “the Victoria magpie has a nest, and the Victoria dove lives there.” The homeless magpie opens its beak wide, making people feel as if they can hear its mournful sound, as a foil to the image of an abandoned woman watching her old husband marry a new man.

Since the Edo period in Japan, the aesthetic concept of “material mourning” has gradually unified the fields of art, literature, and aesthetics. ‘Material sadness’ refers to the emotions of joy, anger, or sadness that arise from the human heart when it is in contact with external objects. The “Illustrations of Famous Objects in the Book of Songs”, created during the Edo period, effectively implements the aesthetic concept of “material sorrow”. The strokes of the book are simple and give deep meaning, with a detailed and unique conception, pure and meaningful images, depicting the scenes of famous objects in the Book of Songs.

The term ‘rising’ refers to the phrase ‘those who rise, speak of other things first to evoke the words they sing’ (Zhu Xi’s’ Biography of the Book of Songs’), which has a similar meaning to ‘mourning for things’ and is one of the important writing techniques in the Book of Songs. The flowers, birds, insects, and fish depicted in the “Famous Objects Painting” often belong to the rising objects and scenery in their respective poems.

The ancient Chinese advocated a animistic view of nature, believing that all things have spirits. Compared to the taboos experienced by Western ethnic groups with advanced hunting civilization in nature, the Chinese ethnic group with advanced agricultural civilization experiences the joy of being connected to all things through year after year of cultivation and transformation of nature.

I believe that this “Illustrated Illustrated Works of the Book of Songs” can also allow today’s readers to experience this precious joy.

Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 486P 诗经名物图解.10贴.細井徇撰绘.弘化4年自序


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