Culture文化 Lilliputian连环画 130P 南岛风云·经典老电影连环画
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抗日战争时,海南岛某地。大部队反扫荡走后,符若华(上官云珠 饰)望着缺医少药的营地和十几个伤病员,深感担子的沉重。由于日寇的封锁,驻地和山下的百姓失去了联系,支部委派炊事员小春(胡小菡 饰)下山搞粮弄药,农民阿金叔(陈克 饰)为此献出了生命。符若华闻讯,心情格外沉重,事务长(穆宏 饰)不忍心看着本来就被伤痛折磨的伤员再忍饥挨饿,只身下山搞粮,不料在回来的途中被敌发现,以身殉国。烈士的离去更坚定了大家战战困难的勇气,也加深了对敌人的仇恨。他们发扬革命乐观主义精神,艰难地坚持着,个别意志薄弱的伤员经受不住考…
During the Anti Japanese War, there was a place on Hainan Island. After the peloton’s anti mopping, Fu Ruohua (Shangguan Yunzhu) looks at the camp and a dozen wounded and sick people who are short of medicine, and feels the heavy burden. Due to the blockade by the Japanese invaders, the camp and the people below the mountain lost contact. The branch appointed a cook named Xiao Chun (played by Hu Xiaohan) to go down the mountain to get food and medicine, and farmer Ah Jin Shu (played by Chen Ke) sacrificed his life for this. Upon hearing the news, Fu Ruohua felt particularly heavy. The affairs chief (played by Mu Hong) couldn’t bear to watch the wounded, who had already been tortured by the pain, go hungry again and go down the mountain alone to get food. Unexpectedly, on the way back, he was discovered by the enemy and died for his country. The departure of the martyr strengthened everyone’s courage to fight against difficulties and deepened their hatred towards the enemy. They carry forward the spirit of revolutionary optimism and persevere with difficulty. Some weak willed wounded cannot stand the test

Culture文化 Lilliputian连环画 130P 南岛风云·经典老电影连环画

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可点 ➠ 2023年-05月-06日 111 s 0
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