Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 212P 題画詩集.巻上中下.森琴石
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作者是 [日]森琴石。全书以汉文出版,分上中下三卷、续编一卷,并细分“山水”“树石”“花卉”“鸟类”“兽类”“虫类”“名胜类”等十六个类别。这些内容多优秀之作,且分类明确,相信在激发绘画创作灵感、领会古诗意境、方便画家题跋等方面,都会起到一定的作用。

The author is [Japan] Sen Qinshi. Published in Chinese, the book is divided into three volumes, the top, the middle and the bottom, and a continuation volume. It is subdivided into 16 categories, including “landscape”, “tree stone”, “flowers”, “birds”, “beasts”, “insects”, and “scenic spots”. These contents are many excellent works with clear classification. I believe they will play a certain role in stimulating the inspiration of painting creation, understanding the artistic conception of ancient poetry, and facilitating the painter’s postscript.

Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 212P 題画詩集.巻上中下.森琴石


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