Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 121P 离骚图.4册.屈原著.插图萧云从.版刻汤用先.1645年
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这部作品是《离骚》诗集的清朝插图版。《离骚》由生活在约公元前343-277年的屈原所作。插图绘制者为清朝早期的著名画家萧云从(1596-1673年),版刻者汤用先。据王重民所著《国会图书馆藏中国善本书录》(华盛顿特区,国会图书馆,1957年),这部作品是晚清文学家、语言学家和清朝官员潘祖荫(1830-1890年)剪贴重装而成,并将其分为四卷,但保留了原名 “区湖萧云从尺木甫较”。该重版有两篇原序,由李楷(无日期)及画家萧云从(1645年)著。屈原(约公元前340-前278) 我国古代伟大的爱国诗人。名平,字原。汉族,战国时期楚国贵族出身,任三闾大夫、左徒,兼管内政外交大事。他主张对内举贤能,修明法度,对外力主联齐抗秦。后因遭贵族排挤,被流放沅、湘流域。公元前278年秦将白起一举攻破楚国首都郢都。忧国忧民的屈原在长沙附近汩罗江怀石自杀,端午节据说就是他的忌日。他写下许多不朽诗篇,成为我国古代浪漫主义诗歌的奠基者,在楚国民歌的基础上创造了新的诗歌体裁楚辞。主要作品有《离骚》、《九章》、《九歌》、《天问》等。在诗中抒发了炽热的爱国主义思想感情,表达了对楚国的热爱,体现了他对理想的不懈追求和为此九死不悔的精神。他创造的“楚辞”文体在中国文学史上独树一帜,与《诗经》并称“风骚”二体,对后世诗歌创作产生积极影响。萧云从(1596~1673) ,字尺木,号于湖老人、无闷道人、默思。安徽芜湖人,明末清初芜湖著名画家,姑熟画派创始人。其父肖慎余,为明乡饮大宾,懂绘画。云从幼而好学,“笃志绘事,寒暑不废”。
This work is an illustrated version of the poetry collection Li Sao in the Qing Dynasty. Li Sao was written by Qu Yuan who lived in 343-277 BC. The illustrator was Xiao Yuncong (1596-1673), a famous painter in the early Qing Dynasty, and the engraver Tang Yongxian. According to Wang Chongmin’s “Collection of Chinese Rare Books in the Library of Congress” (Washington, D.C., Library of Congress, 1957), this work was cut, pasted and reassembled by Pan Zuyin (1830-1890), a writer, linguist and official of the Qing Dynasty in the late Qing Dynasty, and divided into four volumes, but retained the original name of “Xiao Yun from Chi Mu Fu Jiao in the District Lake”. The reprint has two original preface, written by Li Kai (undated) and painter Xiao Yuncong (1645). Qu Yuan (about 340-278 BC) was a great patriotic poet in ancient China. The name is flat and the character is original. Han nationality, who was born in the state of Chu during the Warring States Period, served as a doctor and leftist of Sanlu and was also in charge of domestic and foreign affairs. He advocated that we should be able to raise our talents, cultivate our Dharma, and unite with the outside forces to resist the Qin Dynasty. Later, due to the exclusion of aristocrats, he was exiled to the Yuan and Xiang rivers. In 278 BC, Qin General Baiqi attacked Yingdu, the capital of the State of Chu. Qu Yuan, who was worried about the country and the people, committed suicide in Huaishi in the Guluo River near Changsha. The Dragon Boat Festival is said to be his death day. He wrote many immortal poems, became the founder of ancient romantic poetry in China, and created a new poetic genre based on the folk songs of the State of Chu. His main works include Lisao, Jiuzhang, Jiuge, Tianwen, etc. In the poem, he expressed his fervent patriotic thoughts and feelings, expressed his love for the State of Chu, and reflected his unremitting pursuit of ideals and his spirit of never regret for this. The style of “Chuci” created by him is unique in the history of Chinese literature, and is called “charming” together with the Book of Songs, which has a positive impact on later poetry creation. Xiao Yuncong (1596~1673), with the name of “Chi Mu”, is named after the old man of the lake, the Taoist priest without depression, and the meditation. A native of Wuhu, Anhui Province, a famous painter of Wuhu in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, and the founder of Gushu Painting School. His father, Xiao Shenyu, was a big drinker in Mingxiang and knew how to paint. Clouds have been eager to learn from childhood. “They are devoted to drawing things, and never give up in cold and summer”.

Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 121P 离骚图.4册.屈原著.插图萧云从.版刻汤用先.1645年


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