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分类 Masterpiece名著 267篇中百篇内相关文章

The Diamond Sutra is the greatest classic in Buddhist history, containing the highest wisdom of Mahayana Buddhism. It is revered as the “wise mother of all Buddhas, the wise father of Bodhisattvas, and the basis of all saints”, and is the most representative classic of Mahayana Prajna thought. In ancient China, from emperors, generals, celebrities, and officials, to the families of traffickers, soldiers, and the people, everyone respected and held the Diamond Sutra. After thousands of years, this classic has deeply integrated into traditional Chinese culture.

From a shallow perspective, the Vajra Sutra solves the problems of the mind, which are very important for life. From a deeper perspective, the Diamond Sutra discusses major issues such as cosmic truth, time and space, which are also important for all humanity. But personal and cosmic issues are unified here. Buddha’s concept of embracing a hundred, a thousand, and a thousand worlds in an instant, equating the vast world with a grain of dust, is very appealing.

But the Vajra Sutra is not so easy to understand, because luck has changed, the audience has changed, and the “written prajna” generated by fate has lost its “convenience” in communication and become a profound manager.

Fortunately, the changes of the times have provided us with a new way to understand and read classics, that is, to eliminate old texts that are not conducive to communication, to use visual thinking logic that harmonizes images and texts, to simplify complexity, and to reconstruct reading. This book is a visual performance in which symbols such as text, pictures, and charts correspond to each other and engage in dialogue, striving to reintroduce the original spirit of the Diamond Sutra into the audience’s rational thinking of real life. I believe that the publication of this book will enable this millennium old wisdom to penetrate time and space and become a modern guide to life.

The king of scriptures, the mother of all Buddhas, is the supreme scripture of Buddhist practice; The purest, most transparent, strongest, and sharp Buddhist treasure, known by the world as “capable of breaking all troubles”; By incorporating illustrations into Buddhist scriptures, clear visual thinking and the interweaving and complementarity of images and texts make reading scriptures more complex and simplified; Adhering to the tradition of convenience, the text is easy and simple, and there are no obstacles to your communication with Buddhism.

The principles and characteristics of this book: The depth of the Diamond Sutra lies not in complexity, but in simplicity. It is precisely because of simplicity that there are countless annotations and studies, as well as misinterpretations and controversies. But most of the annotations that have been tested by history are closely related to the social life of their respective eras when reinterpreting them to people. This book is no exception. While being faithful to Buddhism, it draws on the strengths of historical scriptures, removes outdated concepts, and points its focus towards real life. At the same time, this book also draws on the most distinctive concepts of the times in terms of form, allowing you to experience a brand new reading experience: left and right double page contrast of graphic interaction and dialogue; The interweaving, complementarity, editing, and collage of graphic and textual symbols; The concrete deduction and chart deconstruction of the concept of imagery; Concrete visual simulation and scene reconstruction.

Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 308P 图解金刚经

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