Culture文化 Kungfu武学 137P 《形意拳攻防技击》刘彦培
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形意拳是古老而著名的拳术,具有较高的护身自卫、强身健体、艺术欣赏价值,深受人们的喜爱。人们常把形意拳连同太极拳、八卦掌、少林拳统称为中国的四大名拳。 本书概略介绍形意拳的有关常识,重点叙述形意拳的主要拳术势式,并逐一注明其攻防技击用法,尽力帮助读者学习和掌握形意拳的真谛和精华。本书适合那些爱好运动和武术的朋友们。
Xingyi Boxing is an ancient and famous boxing technique, which has high value in self-defense, physical fitness, and artistic appreciation, and is deeply loved by people. People often refer to Xingyi Boxing, together with Tai Chi Boxing, Bagua Palm, and Shaolin Boxing, as the four famous boxing styles in China. This book briefly introduces the general knowledge of Xingyi Boxing, focuses on the main boxing moves of Xingyi Boxing, and notes the use of offensive and defensive techniques one by one, so as to help readers learn and master the essence and essence of Xingyi Boxing. This book is suitable for friends who love sports and martial arts.

Culture文化 Kungfu武学 137P 《形意拳攻防技击》刘彦培

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