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元曲又称夹心。元曲是盛行于元代的一种文艺形式,包括杂剧和散曲,有时专指杂剧。 杂剧,宋代以滑稽搞笑为特点的一种表演形式。元代发展成戏曲形式,每本以四折为主,在开头或折间另加楔子。每折用同宫调同韵的北曲套曲和宾白组成。如关汉卿的《窦娥冤》等。流行于大都(今北京)一带。明清两代也有杂剧,但每本不限四折。 散曲,盛行于元、明、清三代的没有宾白的曲子形式。内容以抒情为主,有小令和散套两种。

  1. Introduction to Tang Poetry

Tang poetry generally refers to poetry created in the Tang Dynasty. Tang poetry is the most precious cultural heritage of the Chinese nation and a pearl in the treasure house of Chinese culture. It also has a significant impact on the cultural development of neighboring nations and countries. The forms of Tang poetry are diverse. There are mainly two types of ancient poetry in the Tang Dynasty: five character and seven character. There are also two types of modern poetry, one called quatrains, and the other called regular poetry. There are also differences between quatrains and metrical poems in five and seven characters. Therefore, there are basically six basic forms of Tang poetry: five-character ancient poetry, seven-character ancient poetry, five-character quatrains, seven-character quatrains, five-character rhythmic poetry, and seven-character rhythmic poetry.

  1. Introduction to Song Ci

Song Ci is a new style of poetry, a popular Han literary genre in the Song Dynasty, marking the highest achievement of literature in the Song Dynasty. Song lyrics have long and short sentences that are easy to sing. Because it is the lyrics of Heyue, it is also known as Quzi Ci, Yuefu, music movements, long and short sentences, poetic excerpts, and musical interest. It began in the Han Dynasty, was shaped in the Tang and Five Dynasties, and flourished in the Song Dynasty. Song Ci is a dazzling pearl in the crown of ancient Chinese Han literature. In the Langyuan Garden of ancient Han literature, it is a fragrant and beautiful garden. With her colorful and diverse charm, she competes with Tang poetry for wonders and Yuan opera for beauty. She has always been known as a “Double Jue” alongside Tang poetry, representing the prosperity of a generation of literature. Later, there was the book “Song Ci” with the same name. The representative figures of Song Ci mainly include Su Shi (bold and unconstrained school), Xin Qiji, Liu Yong (graceful and restrained school), and Li Qingzhao.

  1. Introduction to Yuan Opera

Yuan Opera is also known as Sandwich. Yuan Opera is a literary and artistic form that prevailed in the Yuan Dynasty, including zaju and sanqu, sometimes specifically referring to zaju. Zaju, a form of performance characterized by comedy in the Song Dynasty. During the Yuan Dynasty, it developed into a form of opera, with each book mainly featuring four folds, with additional wedges added at the beginning or between the folds. Each fold is composed of a Beiqu divertimento with the same melody and rhyme as the palace tune and a dialogue. Such as Guan Hanqing’s “Dou E Yuan” and so on. It is popular around Dadu (now Beijing). During the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were also Zaju operas, but each copy was not limited to four folds. Sanqu, a form of music that was popular in the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties without an objective dialogue. The content is mainly lyrical, and there are two types: Xiaoling and loose cover.

Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 172P 唐诗宋词元曲


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