Art艺术 Calligraphy书法 2P 蜀丞相諸葛武侯祠堂碑.裴度.撰
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The Monument to the Ancestral Hall of Zhuge Wu, the prime minister of Shu, was established in the fourth year of Yuanhe (809 A.D.) of Xianzong of Tang Dynasty. The body and cap of the tablet are 367cm high, 95cm wide and 25cm thick, and there is a tablet seat below. The cloud carving of the stele cap has the artistic characteristics of stone carving in the Tang Dynasty. The reporter counted the inscription in 24 lines, each of which was about 50 words. The inscription is in regular script and has 1094 characters. It was written by Pei Du, who was once the chief inspector and prime minister, and by Liu Gongchuo, who was the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs, and the brother of the famous calligrapher Liu Gongquan. It was carved by Lu Jian, a famous craftsman in Shu at that time. Articles, calligraphy and carving are rare works, so later generations call them “three unique monuments”. The content of the inscription is divided into preface and inscription. The inscription made a key comment on Zhuge Liang’s short and solemn life, and tried to praise Zhuge Liang’s lofty demeanor, political integrity and martial arts, and thus inspired the rulers of the Tang Dynasty. In the second year of Yuanhe (AD 807), Chengdu was in turmoil. The Tang Dynasty sent Wu Yuanheng, the prime minister, to serve as the governor of Jiannan Sichuan. At that time, Pei Du and Liu Gongchuo served as a judge of Jiedu under Wu Yuanheng, the Jiedu envoy in Xichuan. Pei and Liu were closely related and both admired Zhuge Wuhou, so they wrote an immortal masterpiece in the history of Chinese calligraphy. There are two ways for the ancients to make stone tablets. One is that the calligrapher creates directly on the stone tablet, which is completed by the carver; The other is to copy the stone, which is to write the characters on the paper, then outline the characters on the back of the paper with cinnabar and other patterns, and then cover them on the stone or wood to be carved for seal cutting. “After textual research, Liu Gongchuo should have written directly on the stone with a brush in the form of calligraphy and stone for engraving. He said that Dan means cinnabar. At that time, all the steles were made of cinnabar. The cinnabar is granular, which is more stable than the powdery ink. The ink does not flow or go out of shape when written on the smooth stone. The ink contains oil, shrinks when it meets the stone, and cannot maintain the original shape of the strokes. In addition, the steles are generally gray or cyan, and the cinnabar traces are obvious, It is convenient for cutting. Yang Daixin made a brush with his hand and demonstrated on the stone tablet that Liu Gongchuo either stood or put the stone tablet down, lying on the stone tablet and finished the work at one go. The stone tablet should have a dark grid. After a long time of weathering, the dark grid is now indistinct. The stone used to make the “Three Unique Steles” is not local stone in Chengdu, but Nantian stone from Xi’an. The “three unique monuments” are the oldest ground cultural relics in Chengdu. This stone tablet has always been protected as an important cultural relic. “Shulin Zaojian” once quoted critics to comment on the calligraphy of this tablet: “Gongchuo’s memorial of the marquis of Wu, such as a decent man, has strong strokes.” Wang Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty also said that Liu Gongchuo “has elegant and elegant strokes, and is not constrained to be embarrassed by cold.”. Mi Fu, a great calligrapher of the Song Dynasty, once said that “Gongchuo is not inferior to his brother”, and highly praised Liu Gongchuo’s calligraphy.

Art艺术 Calligraphy书法 2P 蜀丞相諸葛武侯祠堂碑.裴度.撰

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