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孙过庭,是我国唐朝时著名书法大家,书学理论家。其好古博雅,天赋异禀,书法始化于“二王”,并深得精髓,临摹古帖小字足以迷乱羲、献,几近以假乱真。《千字文》是其38岁时所作,横25.7,纵82.5厘米,现藏于辽宁省博物馆藏。通篇以今草书为主,用笔飘逸沉着,俊拔劲健,正如他自己所云:“一画之间,变起伏于锋杪;一点之内,殊衄挫于毫芒。” 是学习草书的典范之作。
Sun Guoting was a famous calligrapher and calligraphy theorist in the Tang Dynasty. “Its ancient and elegant style, unique talent, and calligraphy were first embodied in the” Two Kings “, and were deeply rooted in the essence. Copying the small characters in ancient calligraphy is enough to confuse Xi and Xian, almost confusing the real with the fake.”. “Thousand character essay” was written by him at the age of 38, with a horizontal length of 25.7 cm and a vertical length of 82.5 cm. It is currently in the collection of Liaoning Provincial Museum. The entire article focuses on modern cursive script, with elegant and calm strokes, handsome and vigorous, as he himself once said: “Between a painting, it fluctuates at the edge; within a single point, it stumbles at the edge.” It is a classic work for learning cursive script.

Art艺术 Calligraphy书法 28P 孙过庭草书千字文

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