Art艺术 Calligraphy书法 31P 九成宮醴泉銘.魏徴撰.欧陽詢書
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《九成宫醴泉铭》是唐贞观六年(632)由魏征撰文、书法家欧阳询书丹而成的楷书书法作品(碑刻者不可考)。现存于陕西麟游县碑亭景区 。
“Jiucheng Palace Li Quan Ming” is a regular script calligraphy work written by Wei Zheng and calligrapher Ouyang Xun in the sixth year of Tang Zhenguan (632). It is now in the Beiting Scenic Spot in Linyou County, Shaanxi Province.

The Ming of Li Quan in Jiucheng Palace recounts the origin of “Jiucheng Palace” and the grandeur of its architecture, eulogizes the martial arts, culture and frugality of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, introduces the discovery of Li Quan in the palace city, and cites ancient books to explain that the appearance of Li Quan was caused by “the Son of Heaven orders virtue”, and finally put forward the admonition of “living high and thinking low, keeping full and keeping full”.

“Jiucheng Palace Liquan Ming” has a slender structure, the central palace is tightened, the four sides are open, the left is closed and the right is vertical, and the danger is saved. The shape of the shape is shaped according to the situation, and the left and right structures are opposite to each other. The upper and lower structures are narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. The space between them is open and stable, and the weather is solemn. Its layout is white and even, and the word spacing and line spacing are sparse and clear. It is the most accurate one in the nine palaces. The blood of the whole tablet is smooth, and the charm is faint.

The Ming of Li Quan in Jiucheng Palace is Ouyang Xun’s deliberate work in his later years. It has always been highly praised by scholars, regarded as the authentic regular script, and praised as “the first regular script in the world” or “the first regular script in the world” by later generations.

Art艺术 Calligraphy书法 31P 九成宮醴泉銘.魏徴撰.欧陽詢書


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