Art艺术 Calligraphy书法 128P 英文书法的艺术.Art.Of.Calligraphy
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《英文书法的艺术 Art.Of.Calligraphy》是1995年Dorling金德斯利出版社有限公司出版的图书。对於那些有志於学习工艺的刷子和笔,这本书提供了一个指南,每一个步骤。对於学生的手字母脚本,它提供了一个指南,以书法的发展,从古代的电子时代。每一个主要形式,拉丁美洲为基础的脚本覆盖帝国和罗马的手,通过哥特式和文艺复兴时期的脚本斜体和铜板。一步一步的插图和说明解释建造每个字母,正确笔持有和笔角,这个比例的信件,以及如何制定出来的网页上。补充练习的基本教训的例子,而历史上和当代手工刻字提供灵感。
Art. Of. Calligraphy of English Calligraphy is a book published by Dorling Kindesley Press Co., Ltd. in 1995. For those brushes and pens who are interested in learning the craft, this book provides a guide to each step. For students of hand script, it provides a guide to the development of calligraphy from the ancient electronic age. Each of the main forms of Latin American based scripts covers the empire and Roman hands, through Gothic and Renaissance scripts in italics and coppers. Step by step illustrations and instructions explain the construction of each letter, the correct pen holder and pen angle, the proportion of letters, and how to formulate them on the page. Complementary exercises provide examples of basic lessons while historical and contemporary hand lettering provides inspiration.

Art艺术 Calligraphy书法 128P 英文书法的艺术.Art.Of.Calligraphy


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