Art艺术 Calligraphy书法 584P 中国草书名贴精华(三)
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草书是汉字的一种字体,有广狭二义。广义的,不论年代,凡写的潦草的字都算作为草书。狭义的,即作为一种特定的字体, 形成于汉代 ,是为了书写简便在隶书基础上演变出来的。
大约从东晋时代开始,为了跟当时的新体草书相区别。把汉代的草书称作章草。新体草书相对而言称作今草,其又分大草(也称狂草)和小草,在狂乱中觉得优美。正如李志敏所说:“临于池,酌于理,师于物,得于心,悟于象,然后始入草书妙境。 ”
Cursive script is a type of Chinese character with broad and narrow meanings. In a broad sense, regardless of the era, any cursive words written are considered cursive. Narrowly defined, that is, as a specific font, it was formed during the Han Dynasty and evolved on the basis of official script for ease of writing.

Starting from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, in order to distinguish it from the new cursive script at that time. Call the cursive script of the Han Dynasty Zhang Cao. The new style cursive script is relatively called the modern grass, which is divided into big grass (also known as wild grass) and small grass, and feels beautiful in the midst of madness. As Li Zhimin said, “Facing the pool, drinking from reason, learning from things, gaining knowledge from the heart, and realizing from the image, then entering the wonderful realm of cursive script

Cursive script, due to its simple form and easy confusion with each other, cannot replace official script as the main font, just as official script replaces seal script.

Art艺术 Calligraphy书法 584P 中国草书名贴精华(三)

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