Culture文化 Kungfu武学 106P 《国术理论概要》吴志青
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吴志青,1887出生,汉族,出生在安徽,歙县昌溪人,作家。9 岁入金箔铺学艺4 年。后考入杭州巡警学堂,不久转入上海中国体操学校,曾参加同盟会。宣统三年(1911 年),任浙江平湖商团及守望团司令兼教练。响应武昌起义,参与光复上海战斗,领兵光复浏河、平湖。此后,先后受聘为南京第四师范学校体育主任、江苏省第一工业、第一农业两学校体育主任、上海民立中学体育主任、上海青年会国术指导,并任教于上海女青年会体育师范。民国6 年(1917 年),当选为江苏省体育研究会副会长。次年,与唐新雨、戈公振等在上海筹组中华武侠会(后易名中华武术会)。倡导德、智、体、美四育并重。民国8年(1919年),任中华武术会总干事。民国10 年6 月,在第五届远东运动会上表演他精心创造的中国新体操、叠罗汉和中国武术,赢得全场喝彩,第一个将中国民族体育带上国际运动会。民国11 年创办社会童子军和暑期体育学校,提倡民众体育,当选为体育研究会会长。孙中山勉以“努力进展,以培成革命势力之组合”,又为武术会题写了“尚武楼”匾,并赠百元。民国13 年追随孙中山北上参加国民革命军,任第五军参议兼全军武术总教练及学兵团代团长。后任第十一路军少将参议兼军械处长。次年以后曾任南京中央国术馆董事兼上海市国术馆筹备处主任委员、全国国术考试筹备处副主任、中央国术馆教务处副主任、全国运输会国术裁判、中国国术馆编审处处长,编辑出版武术书籍十余种。抗战爆发后,虽皈依佛教,仍出任军事委员会西南进出口物资运输总经理处视察,奔走广东、香港、江西、湖南等地组织军运。民国31 年,任职西南联大体育教授,李公仆、闻一多等名流从其学太极拳。
Wu Zhiqing, born in 1887, Han nationality, was born in Changxi, Shexian County, Anhui Province, and is a writer. At the age of 9, he has studied in the Gold Foil Shop for 4 years. Later, he was admitted to Hangzhou Patrol Academy, and soon transferred to Shanghai China Gymnastics School. He once participated in the League. In the third year of Xuantong (1911), he was the commander and coach of Zhejiang Pinghu Business Group and Watch Group. In response to the Wuchang Uprising, we participated in the battle to recover Shanghai and led the recovery of Liuhe and Pinghu. Since then, he has successively been employed as the physical education director of Nanjing No. 4 Normal School, the physical education director of Jiangsu No. 1 Industrial and No. 1 Agricultural Schools, the physical education director of Shanghai Minli Middle School, and the martial arts director of Shanghai Youth Association. He has also taught in the physical education teacher of Shanghai Women’s Youth Association. In the 6th year of the Republic of China (1917), he was elected Vice President of Jiangsu Sports Research Association. The next year, he, together with Tang Xinyu and Ge Gongzhen, organized the Chinese Martial Arts Association (later renamed the Chinese Martial Arts Association) in Shanghai. Advocate equal emphasis on moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic education. In the 8th year of the Republic of China (1919), he served as the general director of the Chinese Wushu Association. In June of the Republic of China, he performed the Chinese new gymnastics, overlapping and Chinese martial arts that he created meticulously at the Fifth Far East Games, winning the applause of the whole audience, and was the first to bring Chinese national sports to the International Games. In the 11th year of the Republic of China, he founded a social boy scout and a summer sports school, advocated mass sports, and was elected president of the Sports Research Association. Sun Yat sen Mian wrote the plaque of “Martial Arts Worship Building” for the martial arts association with the goal of “making progress to cultivate a combination of revolutionary forces”, and gave 100 yuan as a gift. In the 13th year of the Republic of China, he followed Dr. Sun Yat sen to the north to join the National Revolutionary Army, and served as the Counsellor of the Fifth Army, the general martial arts coach of the whole army, and the deputy head of the Xuebing Regiment. Later, he served as Counsellor of Major General and Chief of Ordnance of the 11th Route Army. After the next year, he served as the director of Nanjing Central National Arts Museum and the director of the Preparatory Office of Shanghai National Arts Museum, the deputy director of the Preparatory Office of the National National Arts Examination, the deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office of the Central National Arts Museum, the national sports referee of the National Transport Association, and the director of the Editorial Office of the Chinese National Arts Museum, editing and publishing more than 10 kinds of martial arts books. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, although he converted to Buddhism, he still served as the General Manager of the Southwest Import and Export Material Transportation Office of the Military Commission for inspection and went to Guangdong, Hong Kong, Jiangxi, Hunan and other places to organize military transportation. In the 31st year of the Republic of China, Li Gongfu, Wen Yiduo and other celebrities learned Taijiquan from him, who served as a professor of physical education at Southwest United University.

Culture文化 Kungfu武学 106P 《国术理论概要》吴志青

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