Culture文化 Kungfu武学 302P 《少林螳螂拳》苏龙
►   站内排名:No.2368   ◄

本书共分七个章节:四六捶、崩步、拦截、八挂跑捶、白猿偷桃、插捶和拦门刀。全书图文并茂,每个动作都配备了一幅操作图,生动性、操作性极强。 少林武术范围很广,螳螂拳也是少林武术中的一个拳系,在武术流派中是一个独具风格的地方拳种。螳螂拳惟妙惟肖地表现了螳螂攻、守、进、退的技击特点和动作姿态。既有气魄雄伟、勇猛顽强的搏斗气势,又有栩栩如生、形象优美的艺术观赏性。螳螂拳在技击过程中除了依靠步法的变化创造进攻和防守的有利条件外,还依靠腰部的左转右旋,前俯后仰来滑脱、闪避对方进攻的手法、腿法和进攻路线,从而寻找有利的空隙进行反击。着重体现出螳螂拳以腰为轴,以胯为核心,以腿为支撑的运动特点。
苏龙,安徽泗县人。1970年10月出生。现任陆军第十三集团军司令郃少校作战参谋,少林螳螂拳第五代传人。 自幼喜武,师从刘棋、柏建民、柏宝禄、李宗山、刘宝成、郭凤友等民间拳师习练少林螳螂拳及北派地力拳种。1990年1月入伍,历任班长、代理排长、排长、副连长、连长、团司令部作战指挥组副组长等职务,在部队因工作成绩突出,多次立功受奖。在成都服役期间,得到峨嵋僧岳门传人胡林、梁勇、马家拳传人李发忠,海灯法师弟子杨东林,老拳师汗刚、黄天才等的传授和指教,为峨嵋派代表人物吴信良大师入室弟子。参加省、市及全国武术散打擂台赛十余次,并多次获得冠、亚军。 现是中国武术协会会员,国家一级武十,国家一级拳师,国家武术一级裁判员,中国武术金虎六段。成都市成华区武术协会副秘书长,成都巾武术协会少林螳螂拳辅导站站长、荣获“中国武当十佳武术名师”称号、“四川武术名家”终生荣誉称号。其事迹被载人《中国武当武术家大辞典》《中国当代武术名家志》《中国当代武术名人志》等辞书。
This book is divided into seven chapters: Four or Six Chui, Bangbu, Interception, Eight Hanging Running Chui, White Ape Stealing Peach, Insertion Chui, and Gate Blocking Knife. The entire book is illustrated with text, and each action is equipped with an operation diagram, which is extremely vivid and operational. The scope of Shaolin martial arts is very wide, and Mantis Fist is also a branch of Shaolin martial arts, which is a unique local boxing style among martial arts schools. The Mantis Fist vividly portrays the attacking, defending, advancing, and retreating characteristics and movements of the Mantis. It has both a magnificent and tenacious fighting spirit, as well as a vivid and beautiful artistic appreciation. In the process of combat, Mantis Fist not only relies on changes in footwork to create favorable conditions for attack and defense, but also relies on the techniques of turning left and right at the waist, pitching forward and backward to slip and dodge the opponent’s attack, leg techniques, and attack routes, in order to find favorable gaps for counterattack. The focus is on the movement characteristics of Mantis Fist, which revolves around the waist, the hip as the core, and the legs as the support.

Su Long, from Sixian County, Anhui Province. Born in October 1970. The current Commander of the 13th Army Group, Major He, is a combat staff officer and the fifth generation successor of Shaolin Mantis Fist. I have been fond of martial arts since childhood and have been practicing Shaolin Mantis Fist and Beipai Earth Power Fist under the guidance of folk boxers such as Liu Qi, Bai Jianmin, Bai Baolu, Li Zongshan, Liu Baocheng, and Guo Fengyou. I joined the army in January 1990 and held various positions including squad leader, acting platoon leader, platoon leader, deputy company leader, company leader, and deputy leader of the combat command group of the regimental headquarters. I have been awarded numerous meritorious deeds in the army due to outstanding work achievements. During his service in Chengdu, he was taught and instructed by Hu Lin, Liang Yong, and Li Fazhong, descendants of the Emei Monk Yuemen, disciples of the Ma Family Boxing, Yang Donglin, disciples of the Hai Deng Master, and veteran boxers such as Han Gang and Huang Tiancai. He became a disciple of the representative figure of the Emei Sect, Master Wu Xinliang. Participated in more than ten provincial, municipal, and national martial arts sanda arena competitions, and won the championship and runner up multiple times. I am currently a member of the Chinese Martial Arts Association, a national first-class martial artist, a national first-class boxer, a national first-class martial arts referee, and a member of the Chinese Martial Arts Golden Tiger Sixth Section. Vice Secretary General of Chengdu Chenghua District Martial Arts Association, Director of Shaolin Mantis Fist Guidance Station of Chengdu Scarf Martial Arts Association, awarded the title of “Top 10 Martial Arts Masters of Wudang in China” and the lifelong honorary title of “Sichuan Martial Arts Master”. His deeds have been recorded in dictionaries such as the “Dictionary of Chinese Wudang Martial Arts Masters”, “Records of Contemporary Chinese Martial Arts Masters”, and “Records of Contemporary Chinese Martial Arts Celebrities”.

Culture文化 Kungfu武学 302P 《少林螳螂拳》苏龙

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