Culture文化 Kungfu武学 393P 《中华新武术·剑术科》马良
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8月5日晨,济南戒严司令、镇守使马良以“煽惑军警,危害治安”罪名,悍然下令将爱国回民马云亭、朱春焘、朱春祥枪杀,世称“济南血案”。暴行轰动全国,激起各地群众极大义愤,自23日至月末,山东、北京、天津各界代表接连向北京政府请愿,要求严惩罪魁马良。 [1]
马良幼承家学,习文练武。继从平敬一学少林拳和摔跤术。经数年研习,明技击义理。1900年,马良邀集一些知名拳师着手创编“中华新武术”。此后,又于1911年和1914年两次邀集知名拳家修编斯术。其内容包括“率角(摔跤)科”、“拳脚科”、“棍术科”、“剑术科”(单手剑)。马良从1901年任山西武备学堂和直隶陆军速成学堂教习起,接连在常备军、陆军中任军职至旅长、济南卫戍司令官、济南镇守使。在这二十余年间,马良以所编 戍司令官、济南镇守使。在这二十余年期间,马良均以所编“中华新武术”为军事训练教材,并于1911年组编武术队实习,于1914年组编军事武术传习所(即技术队)训练骨干,培养师资。与此同时,马良四出游说倡议,斯术逐渐被有关当局定为“军警必学之术”,并定为全国各中等学校、专门学校、国民学校、乃至全国的“正式体操”。这些决定虽未得到全面执行,但当时和此后的一段时间内,在山东、上海、天津、北京等地都设有专门传习。中华新武术”的机构,为武术 的普及起过一定作用。后来因其内容单调,习者日少。马良著有《中华新武术》。
Ma Liang (1875-1947), also known as Zi Zhen, was a Hui ethnic group from Qingyuan, Hebei. He was a warlord and martial artist during the Republic of China period and graduated from the Beiyang Military Academy. Formerly served as the commander of the 47th Mixed Brigade, the garrison envoy of Jinan, and the commander of the 2nd Division of the Northwest Border Defense Army. After the outbreak of the Anti Japanese War, Ma Liang was appointed by the Japanese as the Governor of Shandong Province and Commander in Chief of Security, and later joined the Wang puppet Nationalist government. Arrested in Jinan in 1946 and imprisoned on charges of traitor. In 1947, he died of illness in Jinan prison. Ma Liang is enthusiastic about promoting traditional martial arts and has recruited martial artists such as Yang Hongxiu as his followers, writing “Chinese New Martial Arts”.

Ma Liang came from the Beiyang New Army and graduated from the Beiyang Military Academy. He served as the Left Town Logistics Battalion Manager of the Beiyang Army Standing Army, the Sixth Town Staff Officer, the 21st Standard Commander of the 11th Infantry Association of the Sixth Town, and the 6th Standard Commander of the 6th Town Artillery. I worship the renowned wrestling master Ping Jingyi as my teacher, who belongs to the Hui ethnic group and is often trained in wrestling in the army.

In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), Ma Liang was appointed as the commander of the 9th Brigade under Jin Yunpeng, the commander of the Fifth Division of the Central Army. Later transferred to the position of Brigade Commander of the 47th Mixed Brigade in Shandong, and promoted to the position of Jinan Garrison in 1916. In the sixth year of the Republic of China (1917), China participated in World War I and declared war on Germany and Austria. Ma Liang was appointed as the commander of the Second Division of the participating army. In 1919, the war ended and he was reorganized as the commander of the Second Division of the Northwest Border Army, still stationed in Shandong.

On July 22, 1919, he was appointed as the martial law commander by Shandong warlord Zhang Shuyuan to suppress the mass patriotic movement. Ma Liang sent troops to destroy the Jinan Muslim Salvation and Support Association, capturing the president Ma Yunting, Zhu Chuntao, and Zhu Chunxiang.

On the morning of August 5th, Ma Liang, the martial law commander and garrison envoy of Jinan, boldly ordered the shooting of patriotic Hui people Ma Yunting, Zhu Chuntao, and Zhu Chunxiang on charges of “inciting the military and police, endangering public security”, known as the “Jinan Massacre”. The atrocities caused a sensation throughout the country and aroused great indignation among people from all over the country. From the 23rd to the end of the month, representatives from various sectors in Shandong, Beijing, and Tianjin petitioned the Beijing government one after another to demand strict punishment of the culprit Ma Liang. [1]

In the ninth year of the Republic of China (1920), Duan Qirui launched the Northwest Border Defense Army and participated in the Direct Anhui War. He appointed himself as the Commander in Chief of the Dingguo Army, with Ma Liang serving as the commander of the Southern Route and occupying Dezhou. The Anhui faction suffered a major defeat, with Duan Qirui stepping down and Ma Liang being dismissed. He lived in Jinan and wrote “Chinese New Martial Arts”.

In the 16th year of the Republic of China (1927), at the invitation of Zhang Zhijiang, he was appointed as the Director of the Academic Affairs Office of the Nanjing Central Chinese Martial Arts Museum and was responsible for teaching wrestling. In the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), the “May 3rd Massacre” occurred, and the Japanese army entered Jinan. Ma Liang was appointed as the president of the Jinan Public Security Maintenance Association. In 1930, Han Fuju was appointed as the Chairman of Shandong Province and Ma Liang was appointed as the Chairman of the Shandong Anti Drug Commission.

In the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937), the Anti Japanese War broke out, and the Japanese army captured Nanjing. The Provisional Government of the Republic of China was established in Beijing, and Ma Liang joined as a member. In the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), he was appointed as the Governor of Shandong Province and Commander in Chief of Security. In the 29th year of the Republic of China (1940), Wang Jingwei established the Central Government in Nanjing and served as the Acting Chairman of the Nationalist Government, President of the Executive Yuan, and Chairman of the Military Commission. Ma Liang joined the North China Political Affairs Committee and was explicitly wanted by the Nationalist government.

In 1945, the Japanese army declared unconditional surrender. In 1946, Ma Liang was arrested by Li Yannian’s troops in Jinan and imprisoned on charges of traitor. In the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947), he died of illness in a prison in Jinan at the age of seventy.

Ma Liang inherited his family’s education and practiced literature and martial arts. Continuing from Ping Jing, I learned Shaolin Fist and Wrestling. After years of study, I have mastered the techniques and principles of righteousness. In 1900, Ma Liang invited some well-known boxers to start creating the “New Chinese Martial Arts”. Afterwards, in 1911 and 1914, renowned boxers were invited to revise the martial arts. Its content includes “wrestling”, “fist and foot”, “cudgel”, and “swordsmanship” (single handed sword). Ma Liang served as a teacher at Shanxi Military Preparation School and Zhili Army Accelerated School in 1901, and successively served as a brigade commander, Jinan Garrison Commander, and Jinan Garrison Envoy in the Standing Army and Land Army. During these twenty years, Ma Liang served as the garrison commander and Jinan garrison envoy. During this period of more than 20 years, Ma Liangjun used the “New Chinese Martial Arts” he compiled as a military training textbook, and in 1911, he organized a martial arts team for internships. In 1914, he organized a military martial arts training institute (i.e. a technical team) to train key personnel and cultivate teachers. At the same time, Ma Liang lobbied and proposed that the martial arts gradually became a “must-have skill for military and police officers” by the relevant authorities, and was designated as the “official gymnastics” for various secondary schools, specialized schools, national schools, and even the whole country. Although these decisions were not fully implemented, there were specialized seminars in Shandong, Shanghai, Tianjin, Beijing, and other places at that time and for a period thereafter. The organization of “Chinese New Martial Arts” has played a certain role in the popularization of martial arts. Later, due to its monotonous content, there were fewer learners. Ma Liang is the author of “Chinese New Martial Arts”.

Culture文化 Kungfu武学 393P 《中华新武术·剑术科》马良

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