Culture文化 Kungfu武学 373P 《武功薪传》张义尚
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Wugong Salary Biography “is a book published by Social Science Literature Publishing House on February 1, 2012, and the author is Zhang Yishang.

The “Martial Arts Salary Biography” includes Mr. Zhang Yishang’s works on martial arts, including a brief introduction to the Jin family’s martial arts, martial arts essays, martial arts explanations, Tai Chi rambles, the true transmission of the Yi Jin Jing, Qi Gong Seven Treatises, excerpts from the Emei sect’s Qi Gong, and heart Qi secret cultivation formulas. This book is compiled by Hu Fuchen, a disciple of Mr. Zhang Yishang and a researcher of the Philosophical Investigations of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Culture文化 Kungfu武学 373P 《武功薪传》张义尚

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