Culture文化 Kungfu武学 288P 《锦八手拳学》杨永
►   站内排名:No.6723   ◄
分类 Kungfu武学 568篇中百篇内相关文章

Editor: The first issue of this year’s magazine introduced the origin, inheritance, dissemination, style characteristics, basic techniques, and practice of “Jin Ba Shou” boxing. Here, we introduce “Jin Ba Shou” boxing, which has 8 rounds and 64 styles.

This fist is composed entirely of free hand movements, without any fancy techniques. The hands and feet are at the same level, and the elbows and knees are used together. The shoulder is used to hit the body, and there are movements everywhere, alternating up and down, and both sides are used simultaneously. There is attack in defense, and defense in attack, with victory as the priority. Cleverness is the first, differentiation and turning, rolling into the side, and not moving or blocking, it is a single strike. The hands are connected, and the movements are interlocked, tightly intertwined in the middle; Seeking speed with speed, spiraling with strength, fully exerting force, shaking and exploding with shock, cold and urgent, crispy and quick, combining hardness with softness, and combining softness with hardness. With the situation, endless changes are made, making it a practical, enterprising, and good climbing technique.

Culture文化 Kungfu武学 288P 《锦八手拳学》杨永

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