Delicious美食 Record记录 544P 食疗本草·中国烹饪古籍丛刊 32
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标签: 34

Dietary Therapy Materia Medica “is the earliest surviving monograph on traditional Chinese medicine dietotherapy in the world, written by Meng Shen.

Meng Shen (sh ē n) From 621 to 713 AD, he was born in Ruzhou, Henan Province and a famous medical scientist of the Tang Dynasty. The founder of traditional Chinese medicine dietotherapy and the founder of traditional Chinese medicine dietotherapy, Meng Yutang, has been passed down to this day and has been included in the provincial intangible cultural heritage list. He is the true disciple of Sun Simiao and is also one of the four famous doctors of the Tang Dynasty, who are on par with Sun Simiao.

According to the fragmented volume, the original book is divided into two colors: red and ink. The name of the medicine, the “you” and “you fang” in front of each party, and the circles separating sentence segments are all written in vermilion. The drugs loaded are arranged by category, with the drug name indicating the nature of the injection (warm, calm, cold, cold) and no indication of the drug taste; Secondary efficacy, contraindications, and single prescriptions may be included, with discussions on drug form, treatment, and origin. Some medication strips are divided into two parts by the words “case” or “case history”.

Delicious美食 Record记录 544P 食疗本草·中国烹饪古籍丛刊 32

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