Event事件 History历史 172P 中华上下五千年
►   站内排名:No.2385   ◄
分类 History历史 241篇中百篇内相关文章

“Five Thousand Years Up and Down” is a set of storytelling historical readings. In this set of books, the author selects important and famous characters and events, organizes and tailors them based on historical materials, and writes them in popular modern language without elaborating or describing them. There is basically no fiction. In this way, in terms of the vividness of the plot, it is necessary not to be limited by historical data; For readers to understand history, the materials provided are relatively reliable and based.

Event事件 History历史 172P 中华上下五千年

历史上的今天 ( 47 ):

可点 ➠ 2023年-03月-24日 208 s 0
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