Event事件 History历史 81P 东都事略.1-6卷.王称撰.宋刻本.眉山程舍人宅刊
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《东都事略》是一部纪传体的北宋 (960–1127 年)九朝史,主要包含一系列的传记,从太祖建隆(在位时间 960–63 年)开始,一直到钦宗靖康(在位时间 1126–27 年),包含 12 卷“本纪”,5 卷“世家”,105 卷“列传”,另附录 8 卷辽、金、西夏、交趾等外国王朝,总计 130 卷。作者王称是 12 世纪的官员,其父曾编篡《宋实录》,王称承其家学,博采北宋史略,纂辑成此书。他的叙述简明扼要,论断也多持公平态度。元代末期 (1271–1368 年)的很多著作者写书时都以此书作为参考。北宋时期,都城汴梁(又作汴京,今开封市)又被称为东都,以洛阳为西都。此版本为明代(1368–1644 年)刻本,作者姓名被改为王偁,部分内容也被重新修订。不过,它还是被收录在《四库总目提要》中,成为广泛流传的版本。其中所用的木版是南宋光宗绍熙间(1190–94 年)四川眉山初刻本,且被视为明朝初印的版本,精美绝伦,是宋朝木版印刷的上上品。目录后有牌记一方,上面写着:“眉山程舍人宅刊行,已申上司不许复板”。这是中国书籍出版史上最早的版权声明
Dongdu Synopsis is a biographical history of the nine dynasties of the Northern Song Dynasty (960 – 1127), mainly including a series of biographies, starting from Taizu Jianlong (960 – 63 years in office), and ending with Emperor Jingkang (1126 – 27 years in office), which includes 12 volumes of “Benji”, 5 volumes of “Aristocratic Family”, 105 volumes of “Biography”, and another appendix 8 volumes of Liao, Jin, Xixia, Jiaozhi and other foreign dynasties, totaling 130 volumes. The author Wang said that he was an official in the 12th century. His father once compiled the “Records of the Song Dynasty”. Wang praised his family’s learning, collected the historical sketches of the Northern Song Dynasty, and compiled this book. His narration is concise and concise, and his conclusions are mostly fair. Many authors in the late Yuan Dynasty (1271 – 1368) used this book as a reference when writing books. During the Northern Song Dynasty, the capital Bianliang (also known as Bianjing, now Kaifeng) was also known as the East Capital and Luoyang as the West Capital. This edition is a engraving of the Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644). The author’s name was changed to Wang Cheng, and part of the content was also revised. However, it is still included in the “Summary of the Four Libraries” and has become a widely circulated version. The woodblock used is the original edition of Meishan, Sichuan Province (1190 – 94), Guangzong Shaoxijian, Southern Song Dynasty, and is regarded as the original edition of the Ming Dynasty. It is exquisite and is the top grade of woodblock printing in the Song Dynasty. There is a sign at the back of the directory, which reads: “Meishan Cheng Sheren’s house is published, and the boss has been declared not to duplicate the sign”. This is the earliest copyright statement in the history of Chinese book publishing

Event事件 History历史 81P 东都事略.1-6卷.王称撰.宋刻本.眉山程舍人宅刊

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