Event事件 History历史 590P 安特生的远东相册.约1914年至1938年
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《安特生的远东相册》为瑞典东亚博物馆收藏的在上世纪初瑞典考古学家安特生(Johan Gunnar Andersson)亚洲之旅的影像记录。单页面上有一张或多张照片,大小不等,全相册共有2519张(编号20628至23147),照片下有英文注释。照片拍摄时间约1914年至1938年。

安特生(Johan Gunnar Andersson:1874年7月3日-1960年10月29日),瑞典考古学家、古生物学家、地质学家。本名约翰·贡纳尔·安德松(瑞典语:Johan Gunnar Andersson),安特生是他的中文名字。安特生是中国现代考古学的奠基人之一。
瑞典东亚博物馆(瑞典语:Östasiatiska museet)是瑞典斯德哥尔摩船岛上的一间博物馆,邻近当代博物馆。博物馆收藏中国、日本、印度和东南亚的文物。东亚博物馆于1926年创立,首任主管是对中国考古学贡献良多的瑞典考古学家安特生,当时称为“远东古物博物馆”。第二任主管是瑞典汉学家高本汉。1963年迁至船岛现址。1999年,东亚博物馆成为国立世界文化博物馆的一部分。
The Far East Photo Album of Johan Gunnar Andersson is a photographic record of his journey to Asia in the early 20th century, collected by the East Asian Museum in Sweden. There are one or more photos on a single page, of varying sizes. The entire album consists of 2519 photos (numbered 20628 to 23147), with English annotations below the photos. The photo was taken from approximately 1914 to 1938.

Johan Gunnar Andersson (July 3, 1874 – October 29, 1960) was a Swedish archaeologist, paleontologist, and geologist. His real name is Johan Gunnar Andersson (Swedish: Johan Gunnar Andersson), and Anteson is his Chinese name. Antesheng is one of the founders of modern Chinese archaeology.
The East Asian Museum in Sweden (Swedish: Ö stasiatska museet) is a museum located on the ship island of Stockholm, Sweden, adjacent to the Contemporary Museum. Museums collect cultural relics from China, Japan, India, and Southeast Asia. The East Asian Museum was founded in 1926, with the first director being Swedish archaeologist Andersen, who made significant contributions to Chinese archaeology. It was then known as the “Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities”. The second supervisor was Swedish sinologist Gao Benhan. In 1963, it was relocated to its current location on Ship Island. In 1999, the East Asian Museum became part of the National Museum of World Culture.

Event事件 History历史 590P 安特生的远东相册.约1914年至1938年

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