Creation万物 Plant植物 43P 松葉蘭譜.松叶兰谱.长生舍主人著.天保7年.1836
►   站内排名:No.4234   ◄
分类 Plant植物 102篇中百篇内相关文章

Pine-leaf orchid belongs to ferns. Its branches are soft and beautiful, and have certain shade tolerance. It is a beautiful ornamental plant with great ornamental value. It is often used for indoor potted plants. This painting book of “Pine Leaf Orchid” in the year of Tianbao 7 (1836) depicts more than 60 varieties of color illustrations of Pine Leaf Orchid. Such potted plants show their beauty by using the bending of plants. Cultivators can also create different landscapes according to their own mood.

Creation万物 Plant植物 43P 松葉蘭譜.松叶兰谱.长生舍主人著.天保7年.1836

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