Creation万物 Plant植物 42P 万年青盆图谱.明治45年.1912.万年青谱.天保4年.1833
►   站内排名:No.1812   ◄
分类 Plant植物 102篇中百篇内相关文章

Chinese evergreen is also known as the golden tree in Japan. Because of its rich shape, evergreen and auspicious meaning, it has become one of the classic plants in the oriental classical gardens. Its cultivation has been introduced to Japan for more than 400 years, and potted planting is popular in Japan, which also produces related flowerpot art. This book contains two books related to the publication: Evergreen Pot Manual and Evergreen Manual.

Creation万物 Plant植物 42P 万年青盆图谱.明治45年.1912.万年青谱.天保4年.1833


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