Creation万物 Plant植物 26P 牵牛花-朝顔三十六花撰.服部雪斋.1854年
►   站内排名:No.10046   ◄
分类 Plant植物 102篇中百篇内相关文章

“The Thirty-six Flowers of Chaoyan” was published in 1854. The picture book is considered to be one of the best books about morning glory published in Japan, reflecting the morning glory craze that began in 1847. At that time, people in Edo were eager to pursue morning glory. The book includes thirty-six kinds of colorful prints of morning glory, which were created by Takagi.

Creation万物 Plant植物 26P 牵牛花-朝顔三十六花撰.服部雪斋.1854年


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