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《暴风雨》为英国皇家莎士比亚剧团版“莎士比亚全集”系列中的一本,尽量还原了1623年第一对开本莎士比亚作品集固有的完整性和真实性,由著名莎学家Jonathan Bate和Eric Rasmussen撰写导言及作注解。米兰公爵普洛斯彼罗被弟弟篡权,和女儿一起流落荒岛。普洛斯彼罗学得强大魔法,借助精灵的力量呼风唤雨,引仇人前来,令他们悔悟、认错。大家离开海岛回归米兰。
作者:(英)威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)著;(英)Jonathan Bate,(美)Eric Rasmussen 编者:无
威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564-1616)是英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家。他流传下来的作品包括38部戏剧、155首十四行诗、两首长叙事诗和其他诗歌。
The Tempest is one of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s “Complete Works of Shakespeare” series, which tries to restore the inherent integrity and authenticity of the First Folio works of Shakespeare in 1623. The introduction and annotations were written by the famous Shakespearean scholars Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen. The Duke of Milan, Prospero, was usurped by his younger brother and exiled to a deserted island with his daughter. Prospero learned powerful magic and used the power of elves to summon wind and rain, attracting enemies to come and make them repent and admit their mistakes. Everyone left the island and returned to Milan.

Author: (British) William Shakespeare; Jonathan Bate (UK), Eric Rasmussen (US) Editor: None

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is the most outstanding dramatist in the history of English literature. His surviving works include 38 plays, 155 sonnets, two chief narrative poems, and other poems.

Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 161P 暴风雨·莎士比亚全集1

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