Creation万物 Gods神明 362P 中国藏传佛教雕塑全集 1 彩塑
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分类 Gods神明 58篇中百篇内相关文章

Brief introduction of the Complete Collection of Chinese Tibetan Buddhist Sculptures 1: This volume collects 215 colored sculptures with the main body of the Buddha in the famous Tibetan Buddhist monasteries. Among them, the most distinctive color sculptures are the Jirulakang Temple in the south of Tibet during the Tibetan period, the Alitolin Temple in Tibet in the early period of the post-Hong period, the White Palace in the ancient city of Guge, and the Baiju Temple in Gyangzi, Tibet in the Ming Dynasty. These clay painted Buddhist statues are mostly masterpieces of large-scale Tibetan Buddhist sculptures. It involves various categories of Tibetan Buddhist statues, including Buddha, Bodhisattva, Tara, Vajra Dharma Protector, and eminent monks. The statues are vivid, simple and rough, and have different shapes. The main body of the statue with bright colors and the background decoration are integrated, reflecting the unique charm of sculpture and painting that complement each other.

Creation万物 Gods神明 362P 中国藏传佛教雕塑全集 1 彩塑

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