Global国外名家 Painting绘画 80P 金波园画谱.河村文凤画.文政3年.1820年.含两个版本
►   站内排名:No.8518   ◄
分类 Global国外名家 146篇中百篇内相关文章

This is the “Golden Wave Garden Painting Manual” painted by the painter of the Shore School in the late Edo period, Hemura Wenfeng, which mainly depicts flowers, birds and cordyceps; This book contains two versions of the painting spectrum at the same time, one is a relatively early publication and the other is a relatively new one. The earlier version was published in about 1820.

Global国外名家 Painting绘画 80P 金波园画谱.河村文凤画.文政3年.1820年.含两个版本

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