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竹久梦二【昼夜帯】竹久梦二(Takehisa Yumeji)本名竹久茂次郎(1884.09.16–1934.09.01),有“大正浪漫的代名词”、“漂泊的抒情画家”之称的日本明治和大正时期的著名的画家、装帧设计家、诗人和歌人。毕业于东京早稻田大学,代表作品:《梦二画集•春之卷》《长崎十二景》《女十题》。
Takehisa Yumeji (Takehisa Yumeji), a famous painter, designer, poet and singer during the Meiji and Taisei periods in Japan, was originally named Takehisa Yumeji (1884.09.16-1934.09.09.01) and was known as “the synonym of Taisei romance” and “the wandering lyric painter”. Graduated from Waseda University in Tokyo, his representative works are “Dream II Paintings • Spring Volume”, “Twelve Scenes of Nagasaki” and “Ten Women’s Topics”.

Global国外名家 Painting绘画 160P 昼夜帯

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