Global国外名家 Painting绘画 46P 富岳三十六景.追加10景.共46景.葛饰北斋画.1832年版
►   站内排名:No.9690   ◄


36 Scenes of Fuyue “is one of the works of Ukiyoshi painter Kazui Kitasai in his later years. It belongs to the” name painting “in Ukiyoshi painting and depicts the scenery of Mount Fuji when viewed from various parts of Kanto, Japan. The 36 scenes in the initial version are commonly referred to as “Table Fuji”, and the additional 10 scenes are “Li Fuji”.

It is said that in 1820, a cheap “Berlin Blue” pigment entered Japan, leading to the widespread creation and popularity of landscape prints. When using only one type of blue to depict clear skies, fog, mountains, water, forests, and houses, Beizhai is still vibrant and can be considered a skilled hand in “dividing blue into five colors”. He lived to the age of ninety and passed away in 1849 (the second year of Jiayong). At the end of his life, he even sighed to himself, “If I could prolong my life by ten years, let alone five years, I would begin to be considered a true painter… By the end of my hundred years, I would finally have completed this painting path

36 Scenes of Fuyue “is one of the works of Ukiyoshi painter Kazui Kitasai in his later years. It belongs to the” name painting “in Ukiyoshi painting and depicts the scenery of Mount Fuji when viewed from various parts of Kanto, Japan. In the initial version, only 36 scenes were painted, and due to the high praise, Ge Zhuo Beizhai still added 10 more scenes under the title of “36 Scenes of Fuyue”. In the end, this series had a total of 46 scenes. The 36 scenes in the initial version are commonly referred to as “Table Fuji”, and the additional 10 scenes are “Li Fuji”. The first edition was released in 1831 by Nishimura Uchiya and Kobayashi. The Thirty Six Scenes of Mount Fuji “is not only a representative work of Kage’s portrayal of Kitasai, but also one of the leading works depicting Mount Fuji, earning the reputation of being the highest masterpiece of Ukiyoe printmaking.

Global国外名家 Painting绘画 46P 富岳三十六景.追加10景.共46景.葛饰北斋画.1832年版

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