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Timon of Athens is the last tragedy written by British playwright William Shakespeare, which was written in 1607-1608. The plot tells the tragedy of the Athenian aristocrat Timon, who was born with a straightforward and benevolent nature. Many people took the opportunity to cheat him out of money, which later led to his downfall, his “friends” leaving him one after another, and ultimately he died alone in despair.

The script exposes the ruling role of money and the various sins of materialism. When the protagonist Taimen had money, those high-ranking officials and nobles circled around him like flies biting blood. After he went bankrupt, they didn’t pay any attention to him. Faced with the cruel reality, Timon finally woke up and understood that they had never loved him, they only loved his money.

The wealthy aristocrat of Athens, Timon, was generous and generous, gathering around him a group of flattering “friends” who were willing to become his attendants and diners, whether they were ordinary people or high-ranking officials, waiting for opportunities to deceive him of his wealth. Taimen quickly went bankrupt and was heavily in debt. And those “friends” who benefited from him immediately cut off contact with him, while creditors mercilessly forced him to repay his debts. After discovering the ingratitude and greed of his fellow countrymen, Timon became increasingly cynical. He decided to hold another banquet, inviting former regulars and socialites. These people mistakenly thought that Taimen was pretending to be poor to test their loyalty, and flocked to them, pretending to ask for warmth and comfort from Taimen. Timon lifted the lid and poured hot water from the plate on the guests’ faces and bodies, giving them a scolding. From then on, Timon left the city he could no longer tolerate and hid in a desolate cave, feeding his hunger with tree roots and leading a wild animal like life. One day while digging for tree roots, he found a pile of gold and gave it to passing beggars, prostitutes, and thieves. In his view, a hypocritical ‘friend’ is worse than a thief. He curses humanity and gold maliciously, and ultimately dies alone in despair.

  1. At the turn of the 17th century, Britain was in a period of gradual collapse of feudalism and the rise of capitalism. On the one hand, the old feudal exploitation system still exists, and on the other hand, the primitive accumulation of new capitalism is vigorously progressing. After James I came to power, he was more reactionary and corrupt than his predecessor, Queen Elizabeth. The people were under the heavy pressure of the aristocratic and bourgeois social forces, living in poverty and suffering. Cruel economic exploitation and political oppression have sparked peasant uprisings and famine riots. At the same time, the ice water of self-interest permeated various fields of social life, and the struggle between the bourgeoisie, new nobles, and the royal family became increasingly open. The serious situation of class struggle deeply affects Shakespeare’s creation, and the pulse of the times beats fiercely in the characters in his plays.

The “Timon of Athens” was written around 1607, with the first edition being a folio in 1623. The material in the play comes from three aspects: the first is Plutarch’s record of Mark Antony’s life, the second is the Greek satire of essayist Ruzianus’s The Dialogue of the Gods, and the third is a play named “Timon” written by an anonymous writer.

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