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《亨利四世》主要描写了亨利四世与各个王子和反叛诸侯的斗争。莎士比亚打破了传统,在整部作品中只有两条主线:亨利四世的生活、福斯塔夫的生活,通过展现二者不同的生活来逐渐推动作品情节的发展,进而展示出文章的主题。 该剧具有历史剧和喜剧的双重性质,融崇高典雅与幽默诙谐于一体。
Henry IV is a play created by the British playwright William Shakespeare. It is divided into two parts, the first and the second. It was first published in 1598.

Henry IV mainly depicts Henry IV’s struggle with various princes and rebellious lords. Shakespeare broke tradition and only has two main lines in the entire work: the life of Henry IV and the life of Falstaff. By showcasing the different lives of the two, the plot of the work is gradually promoted, thereby showcasing the theme of the article. [1] This drama has the dual nature of a historical drama and a comedy, blending sublime elegance with humor and humor.

Pauline Block led a rebellion against Richard and ascended to the throne as Henry IV. In the first chapter of Henry IV, the newly enthroned king faced rebellions in Wales, Scotland, and Northumberland (launched by Glandou, Douglas, and Hotsberg respectively). Due to the guilt caused by Richard’s death, as well as the anxiety caused by witnessing the huge contrast between Hotspur (with extraordinary demeanor and dignified demeanor) and his own son Prince of Wales, Hal (who, under the leadership of the fat boar like Falstaff Knight, roams the boar head restaurant in Ester Creek), he is seriously ill and cannot play a significant role in suppressing the rebellion. The relationship between Falstaff and Hal (from which Hal learned the true moral essence of a wise king) is the core of the entire drama. In the fifth act, during the Battle of Sorusbury, Hal demonstrated his talents by leading his father’s army to defeat and kill Hotsberg.

In the second part of Henry IV, Hal’s brother Lancaster led an army to suppress the rebellion (this time launched by Northumberland and the Archbishop of York), while Hal gradually began to shake off Falstaff. Due to debt, Falstaff was threatened with arrest. He went to Groucestershire to recruit troops and joined the Royalist Party, staying with his talkative old friend Judge Charlotte. In Yorkshire, Lancaster designed to cause the rebels to lay down their weapons and then surround them. At this point, King Henry was critically ill, but he still couldn’t trust Hal to inherit the throne. He fell asleep anxiously, as Hal took away the crown. When he woke up, Hal finally convinced him that he had completely transformed and was suitable for being the ruler of a country. Henry died, and Hal made peace with his old enemy, the Grand Justice, agreeing to adopt the rule of law. When he ascended the throne, Fostav approached and chatted up (he came from Gloucestershire, fully expecting to be promoted to a high position). However, Hal refused him. The past has disappeared, and England has gained new life under the rule of a new Ming dynasty. Its glory has been restored by the upcoming war between Hal and France.

Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 257P 亨利四世 下·莎士比亚全集18

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