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莎士比亚1564— 1616 ),文艺复兴时期英国杰出的思想家、作家、戏剧家,诗人。出生于一个富商家庭,曾经在“文法学校”读书,后因父亲破产,中途辍学。21岁时到伦敦剧院工作,很快就登台演戏,并开始创作剧本和诗歌。他创作的大部分是诗剧,主要作品有《李尔王》《哈姆雷特》《奥赛罗》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《威尼斯商人》等。他的作品是人文主义文学的杰出代表,在世界文学史上占有极重要的地位。他的作品直至今日依旧广受欢迎,在全球以不同文化和政治形式演出和诠释。
The world is just a stage, and all men and women are just some actors. They all have their endings and their appearances. A person has to play many roles in their life, and their performance period can be divided into seven periods: initially, they are babies, crying and vomiting in the arms of a nanny; Then came the schoolboy with a backpack on his back and a glowing face, dragging his steps slowly like a snail, reluctantly sobbing to school; Then there was the lover, sighing like a stove, writing a mournful love song and reciting his lover’s eyebrows; Then a soldier, full of strange oaths, with a beard like a leopard, envied honor, was ready to fight, and even sought foam like honor on the muzzle; Then there was the judge, with a chubby and round belly filled with a castrated chicken, a commanding gaze, a neat beard, and a mouth full of either wisdom or modern phrases. In this way, he also played his part; In the sixth period, he became a skinny and slippered old man named Long Zhong, with glasses on his nose and a money bag hanging from his waist. His stockings, which he had carefully saved when he was young, were placed on his cramped legs and were unusually wide, like playing bagpipes and whistles; The final scene of ending this strange and eventful life is a reproduction of childhood, completely forgotten, toothless, without eyes, without taste, without everything.

Shakespeare 1564-1616 was an outstanding British thinker, writer, playwright, and poet during the Renaissance. Born in a rich merchant family, he once studied in the “grammar school” and dropped out of school due to his father’s bankruptcy. At the age of 21, he worked at the London Theatre and quickly appeared on stage, starting to write scripts and poetry. Most of his works are poetic dramas, with main works including “King Lear”, “Hamlet”, “Othello”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “The Merchant of Venice”, and so on. His works are the outstanding representatives of humanism literature and occupy an extremely important position in the history of world literature. His works are still widely popular today, performing and interpreting in different cultural and political forms around the world.

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