Culture文化 Novel小说 71P 酉阳杂俎.诺皐记.唐.段成式撰.乾隆59年刊
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Youyang Zazu is a Tang Dynasty novel written by Duan Chengshi. As a collection of notebooks, there are 20 volumes of the first volume and 10 volumes of the sequel. According to the author’s preface, the nature of this book is that “those who are not ashamed of serving hard are also the book of suppressing the mystery novels”. There are immortals, Buddha and ghosts, human affairs, animals, plants, wine and food, temples, etc., which are recorded in categories. Some of the contents are legends of supernatural beings, and some of the rare things recorded in different places and exotic regions are similar to the “Records of Natural History” of Zhang Hua of Jin Dynasty. Their accounts are either collected from the old news or written by themselves. “There are many strange and insincere things, and the remains and secret books are often mistaken in them. Therefore, although the theorists are sick of their exaggeration, they cannot not be cited” (“General Catalogue of the Complete Book of the Four Corpus”). Many of them are quite obscure and strange, such as the history of the Pot, the book of the Buddha, the book of the funeral, the book of the corpse, and the book of the grotesque. In the sequel, there are two volumes of “Records of the Temple Pagoda”, which details the buildings and murals of the Buddhist temples in Chang’an, and preserves many valuable historical materials, which are collected by future generations who compile the chronicles of Chang’an.

Culture文化 Novel小说 71P 酉阳杂俎.诺皐记.唐.段成式撰.乾隆59年刊

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