Culture文化 Novel小说 63P 续幽怪录.李复言编.嘉庆11年1806黄丕烈跋
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《续幽怪录》为唐代传奇小说集,多记怪异故事,唐牛僧孺曾撰《玄怪录》,此书为续牛僧孺之作,原名《续玄怪录》,因避宋讳,改玄为幽。作者是唐代李复言,共四卷。《新唐书·艺文志》称李复言《续玄怪录》五卷,宋晁公武《郡斋读书志》称十卷,陈振孙《直斋书录解题》作五卷,原分仙术、感应二门,此本总 23 则,不分门。今据宋临安府太庙前尹家书籍铺刻本影印,收入中华再造善本丛书唐宋编子部。李复言[唐](约公元八三一年前后在世),生卒年均不详,约唐文宗太和中前后在世。生平事迹难考。太和四年(公元八三o年),游巴蜀,与进士沈田,会于蓬州。田因话奇事。遂续牛僧孺玄怪录,为续玄怪录五卷(新唐书艺文志,一作十卷),所记皆太和间之异闻佚事。
The “Record of Mysterious Mysteries” is a collection of legendary novels of the Tang Dynasty. It records many strange stories. Monk Niu Ru of the Tang Dynasty once wrote the “Record of Mysterious Mysteries”. This book is the work of Monk Niu Ru of the Tang Dynasty. The original name is “Record of Mysterious Mysteries”. Because of avoiding the taboo of the Song Dynasty, it was changed to “Mysterious Mysteries”. The author is Li Fuyan of the Tang Dynasty, with four volumes. The New Book of the Tang Dynasty, the Records of Art and Literature, is called Li Fuyan’s Five-volume Record of Continuing the Mysterious Mysteries, Song Chao Gongwu’s Five-volume Record of Junzhai Reading, and Chen Zhensun’s Five-volume Interpretation of Zhizhai Book, which is divided into two categories: magic and induction. This book has 23 chapters in total, regardless of category. Now, according to Yin’s book shop in front of the Imperial Temple of Lin’an Mansion in the Song Dynasty, the book has been photocopied and included in the sub-part of the Tang and Song Dynasty series of China Reconstruction. Li Fuyan [Tang] (lived around 831 AD), whose birth and death years are unknown, lived around the middle of Taihe, Emperor Wenzong of the Tang Dynasty. Life stories are difficult to test. In the fourth year of Taihe (83o A.D.), I visited Bashu and met with the Jinshi Shen Tian in Pengzhou. Tian Yin talks about strange things. Thus, the record of Xuanguai of Niu Monk Ru was continued, which is five volumes of the record of Xuanguai (ten volumes of the art and literature records of the New Tang Dynasty). All the records are anecdotes from the Taihe Kingdom.

Culture文化 Novel小说 63P 续幽怪录.李复言编.嘉庆11年1806黄丕烈跋

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