Culture文化 Novel小说 275P 世界上最有趣的283个侦探推理游戏 经典珍藏版 2014.6
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分类 Novel小说 67篇中百篇内相关文章

How did those priceless gems disappear from the locked safe in “The World’s Most Interesting 283 Detective Reasoning Games (Treasure Edition)”? A homicide occurred in the apartment, is it suicide or homicide? How could a car left in a parking lot be stolen in broad daylight? Why did the same murder weapon appear in two different cities in a short period of time… Can you tell the truth of the case based on clues? Can you become a master of reasoning like Sherlock Holmes?

The World’s Most Interesting 283 Detective Reasoning Games (Treasure Edition) “was edited by Zhang Chao and published by Petroleum Industry Press. The World’s Most Interesting 283 Detective and Reasoning Games (Collector’s Edition) is not only a game book that makes detective and reasoning enthusiasts crazy, but also a mind magic book that benefits you for a lifetime. The plot in the book is ups and downs, and the case is exciting and diverse, allowing you to enhance your observation, analysis, imagination, judgment, and creativity in all aspects during the game process. What are you waiting for? Let’s enter the magical world of detective reasoning games together!

Culture文化 Novel小说 275P 世界上最有趣的283个侦探推理游戏 经典珍藏版 2014.6

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