China国内合集 Painting绘画 243P 故宫博物院藏品大系·绘画编
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The Collection Series of Paintings at the Palace Museum (5 yuan) (Essence) “is a book published by the Forbidden City Press in 2010. The author is the Palace Museum.

Introduction to the Collection Series of the Palace Museum: Painting Compilation 5: The Collection Series of the Palace Museum is a selection of over tens of thousands of the most typical and representative cultural relics from the nearly one million cultural relics collected by the Palace Museum. In this “collection collection collection”, not only are there many works that are difficult to leave the Forbidden City during this exhibition, but also many legendary works that are not usually seen. The introduction of each work in each volume of this “Collection Series” includes both the title and author’s name, as well as explanatory notes and related inscriptions.

China国内合集 Painting绘画 243P 故宫博物院藏品大系·绘画编

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