Ancients古人 Celebrity名人 148P Quellen zur Geschichte der Familie Fugger.富格尔家族的肖像
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富格尔家族从14世纪下半叶的织布商开始,这个家族的成员迅速发展成为成功的商人、银行家和贵族,到大富商雅各布·富格尔(Jakob Fugger the Wealthy,1459-1525 年)和安东·富格尔(Anton Fugger,1493-1560年)时达到最鼎盛时期。虽然因为在16世纪60年代向哈布斯堡王朝提供贷款,家族企业几近破产,他们还是被认为是当时最富有的人。富格尔王朝今天仍然存在,是德国的一个名门贵族。
The Fugel family in Germany was a noble family that emerged from weaving merchants in the second half of the 14th century. The history of the Fugel family can be seen as an unparalleled example of success stories during the German Renaissance.

The Fugel family began as weavers in the second half of the 14th century, and its members rapidly developed into successful merchants, bankers, and nobles, reaching their peak when the wealthy merchants Jakob Fugger the Wealth (1459-1525) and Anton Fugger (1493-1560) reached their peak. Although the family business was almost bankrupt due to providing loans to the Habsburg dynasty in the 1660s, they were still considered the wealthiest people at the time. The Fugel dynasty still exists today and is a prominent aristocrat in Germany.

Ancients古人 Celebrity名人 148P Quellen zur Geschichte der Familie Fugger.富格尔家族的肖像

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