Ancients古人 Celebrity名人 54P 外蕃容貌图画.乾坤.田川春道撰.仓田东岳画.1855年
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分类 Ancients古人 37篇中百篇内相关文章

The picture album of the appearance of the foreign people was written by Tankawa Chundao, published in 1855. The picture of the appearance of the foreign people and the characteristics of the clothing of the foreign people that Japan knew at that time were described in the picture of the appearance of the foreign people in the picture of the appearance of the foreign people. It also introduces the general situation of local customs. From this album, we can see that as early as 1855, the Japanese have known the world well, including the characters and culture. It’s really terrible.

Ancients古人 Celebrity名人 54P 外蕃容貌图画.乾坤.田川春道撰.仓田东岳画.1855年

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