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分类 Metaphysics玄学 416篇中百篇内相关文章

The Book of Changes is the theoretical foundation of natural philosophy and humanistic practice in traditional Chinese thought and culture. It is the crystallization of ancient Han ethnic thought and wisdom, known as the “source of the great way”, and is a necessary skill for ancient emperors, politicians, military strategists, and merchants.
The Book of Changes contains a vast collection of principles and principles, making it an outstanding representative of traditional Chinese culture; Broad and delicate, encompassing everything. According to the “Annals of Zhou” in the “Records of the Grand Historian”, King Wen was imprisoned in Youli, and the Eight Trigrams of Gai Yiyi were sixty-four hexagrams. That is to say, at that time, King Wen (Xibochang) was framed by Chonghou Hu and imprisoned in Youli by Emperor Zhou of Yin for seven years. While in prison, Xibochang devoted himself to studying the Eight Trigrams of the Book of Changes and deduced the 64 hexagrams recorded in the modern Book of Changes, including Qian as the sky, Kun as the earth, Shui Lei Tun, Shan Shui Meng, etc., by overlapping them.
The hexagram sequence of the 64 hexagrams in the Book of Changes is built on the basis of the 8 hexagrams. The main understandings of predecessors include the “innate eight hexagram theory” and the “acquired eight hexagram theory”, each with its own characteristics, but their connection with the 64 hexagrams appears to be coherent. Later, someone proposed the concept of “pairwise matching, either opposite or overlapping” for the 64 hexagrams, which can be regarded as a great progress, pointing out some internal connections of the 64 hexagrams. But this concept also has flaws, as its formulation “only sees trees, not forests” fails to systematically solve the hexagram sequence problem in the Book of Changes.
The 64 hexagrams in the Book of Changes reflect 64 different affairs, situations, phenomena, life philosophies in specific environments, and the laws of nature through the combination of the 64 hexagrams. Each hexagram has six lines and lines, as well as 384 corresponding states. Through these changes, one can understand the operation of all things in the world and the philosophy of life.

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