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The Complete Collection of Qi Men Dun Jia Secrets, also known as the Complete Collection of Jin Han Qi Men Dun Jia Secrets and the Complete Collection of Qi Men, was compiled by Zhuge Wuhou in the Han Dynasty and compiled by Liu Bowen in the Ming Dynasty. The earliest edition of this book appeared during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, and was later repeatedly re engraved and revised. The whole book consists of thirty volumes, with six volumes of “Zhuge Wuhou’s Escape from Armor and Gold Letter Jade Mirror” attached. The whole book contains multiple secret and rare books from different systems, including the origin and development of Qimen, Yanbo Fishing Old Song, Qili, Zhanduan Yao, Eight Nine Star Conquering Methods, Qimen Selection, Classification and Occupy Methods, and Magic Qimen. It preserves many lost ancient documents and has important research value.
The Complete Collection of Qimen Dunjia Secrets is published by Hualing Publishing House.
Author: (Han Dynasty) Zhuge Wuhou
Zhuge Wuhou, also known as Zhuge Liang, also known as Kongming and Wolong, was a native of Langya Yangdu. He was a prime minister, outstanding politician, military strategist, inventor, and writer of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period. During his lifetime, he was conferred the title of Marquis of Wuxiang and posthumously honored as Marquis of Zhongwu after his death. Therefore, he was known as Marquis of Zhuge.

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