Culture文化 Lilliputian连环画 130P 李时珍·经典老电影连环画
►   站内排名:No.3367   ◄

During the Ming Dynasty in Qizhou, Hubei, Li Yuechi and Li Shizhen were renowned for their superb medical skills. Li Shizhen bluntly pointed out that Bao Xianggentry had offended him by using the wrong “Book of Materia Medica” to seek medical treatment and sell fake medicines. Li Shizhen cured the son of the King of Chu and did not want money or official positions. Instead, he begged the King of Chu to request the emperor to revise the “Materia Medica”. Li Shizhen, who entered Tai Hospital, resigned and returned to her hometown determined to revise her own “herbal medicine” due to dissatisfaction with the arrogance and pedantry of Tai Hospital. The people learned about this matter and donated their secret recipe to support him. Li Shizhen and his disciple Pang Xian searched everywhere to verify the efficacy of herbs, personally collecting herbs and receiving enthusiastic help from local farmers. Once, Li Shizhen

Culture文化 Lilliputian连环画 130P 李时珍·经典老电影连环画

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