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The Six Jiatian Script originates from the Taoist classic “Shangqing Six Jiatian Prayer Mysteries”, which contains detailed spells, tokens, names, etc.

It originates from the Taoist classic Shangqing Six Jias Prayer Mysteries, which is included in the various skills of the Dongzhen Department of the Orthodox Taoist Collection. The common version is from the Worship of Ten Thousand Laws, which named this skill Six Jias Heavenly Book. This is a kind of higher Taoist skill of slaving ghosts and gods. It is mainly used to pray for the help of the lower bound of the six top gods.

In the fourth year of Taiding (1327), when Liu Ji was 17 years old, he left Fuxue and learned from Zhu Xue, a famous scholar in Chuzhou, to receive the education of Confucianism. During a visit, Zheng Fuchu praised Liu Ji’s father and said, “Your ancestors have accumulated profound virtues and have sheltered future generations. This child is so outstanding that he will certainly bring honor to your family in the future.” Liu Ji has read extensively, and has a good knowledge of all schools of thought. He has a special interest in astronomy, geography, and military mathematics. One time, I visited Huizhou, the hometown of Cheng Zhu’s Confucianism, and learned that there was a “Six Jia Heavenly Book” in the Liujia Fuchuan Mountain in the South Township of She County. Then I explored the Fuchuan Mountain (the main peak is at the top of the boat). It turned out that there was a complete Mingjiao society hidden here. Not only did I find the “Qimen Dunjia”, but also met a large number of Mingjiao saints. Liu Ji’s modesty and eager to learn and outstanding talents enabled him to learn and master a wealth of knowledge about odd sects, After returning home, he became famous in his hometown. Everyone said that he had the talent of Wei Zheng and Zhuge Kongming.

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 20P 六甲天书

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