Animal动物 Creation万物 23P 画本虫撰.上下册.喜多川歌麿笔.文政6(1823)年刊
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喜多川歌麿(喜多川 歌麿,きたがわ うたまろ),原姓北川(きたがわ),生于日本宝历三年(1753年),逝于日本文化三年(1806年),年53岁。他是日本江户时代浮世绘画家,与葛饰北斋、安藤广重有“浮世绘三大家”之称,他也是第一位在欧洲受欢迎的日本木版画家,以描绘从事日常生活或娱乐的妇女以及妇女半身像见长。著名的有《妇人相学十体》和《青楼美女》。还研究自然,出版了插图书籍《虫撰》(1788)。1804年因《军事统治者的妻妾》木版画触怒了政府,而被监禁50天。他生于江户(今东京)农家,是“大首绘”的创始人,也就是有脸部特写的半身胸像。他对处于社会底层的歌舞伎、大坂贫妓充满同情,并且以纤细高雅的笔触,绘制了许多以头部为主的美人画,竭力探究女性内心深处的特有之美。代表作品有《江户宽政年间三美人》——中间是富本丰雏,右为阿北,左为阿久;丰雏是花街吉原艺妓,阿北与阿久是浅草观音堂随身门下茶室的姑娘。喜多川歌麿的《画本虫撰》,是以虫为咏题的画册,每幅画均配有两种虫和种类各异的植物,细腻精致的写生,使得画面生气十足、动感洋溢。此本为《画本虫撰》上下册,喜多川歌麿笔,文政6年(1823年)刊。全书凡十五图,每图二虫,配以花草,上记狂歌以虫为题,凡三十首,作者宿屋饭盛等皆当时有名狂歌师也。歌麿亦有名浮世绘师,以美女画著名,而或者乃独称赏此册,其技工与趣味盖均不可及。
Utamaro Kitagawa (Utamaro Kitagawa, kiniwa no utaro), the original name of Kitagawa, 1753, was born in 1753, and died in 53 years. In addition, it is the name of the “ukiyozanzo Taike” of the Ukiyo-e artist, yokuge kihoku, and ujio Ando, and others are the first ranking European western Japanese woodblock painter, and the image of the daily life or the woman of the woman and the half woman. The famous “hojin gakko ten” and “the Blue Tower”. The study of nature is published and published in the Journal of insect (1788). In 1804, “the military concubine and the wife and concubine” was a woodblock picture of the government of the woodblock government. The house of yusetsu Kyo (now floating Kyo) is a family of the first person of the great neck. It is the beauty of the characteristic of the inside beauty of the society, the beauty of the woman, and the beauty of the woman. The representative works are the three beautiful men who lived in the period of the reign of the retired emperor; He was a daughter of Yoshiwara no Yoshiko, Akita yoake, and the tea room of the Asakusa Kannon do. Utamaro Kitagawa’s “senbon Wen Zheng” is a collection of insects, each of which has a wide range of images, and a variety of plants. This book is also referred to as “kaigenju” (a collection of prints), ujimaro Kitagawa, published in 1823. All of us are fifteen stars, two kinds of insects, a flower of grass, and a superb song, and a lot of poems, such as thirty poems, author’s lodging, and so on. Utamaro is famous and famous, and she is famous for her beautiful paintings, and she is also known for her skill and taste.

Animal动物 Creation万物 23P 画本虫撰.上下册.喜多川歌麿笔.文政6(1823)年刊

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